iSchool Students

Weekly Email Blasts

Quarter 3 Specials: PE

*The specials teachers will email you assignments that are due for their class that will be done through Schoology. Please contact the Specials teachers if you have any questions about their class.

Whati is an iSchool Student?

iSchool is a learning option that allows students to work around their own schedule. They are able to receive access to assignments one week at a time, and are responsible for completing that week's assignments at their own pace. They must check in with me once a day, in order for me to take their attendance. These mandatory check-ins can be done by emailing me, submitting an assignment, sending a Class Dojo message, or attending a Zoom meeting. iSchool students DO NOT return to school when it is safe to return.

Optional Zoom Meeting Times:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Reading)

10:30am - 11:00am

Tuesday, Thursday (Math)

9:15am - 9:45am

*iSchool students may have already finished the assignments and lessons that the Remote/In-person students will be doing, but may join us at anytime throughout the day for extra practice or help.

Class Zoom Link