Agenda For Learning


Welcome to Math!! This week will look at graphs and learn about reading a data table and determining what the data says about a graphing table. 


Welcome to Reading! This week we will continue with our March story This is the Weather. We will read chapter 3 Cloudy & Rainy Weather. We will learn about the water cycle and how rain changes based on our environment. 


We will read chapter 4 of our story Thunder, Lightning, and Hail. We will read about storms and how thunder and lightning happen. We will learn what hail is and what makes up a storm. 


Welcome to Writing!! This week will continue working on writing using graphic organizers. Students will be given a picture and have to research 4 facts about the image. They will use their facts to build a paragraph using the graphic organizer, put it together, I will edit it, and they will revise it to create a final draft. 

We will continue their typing practice. Thursday students will type their final draft of writing and Friday students will create a passage based on a GIF. 

Life Skills

Welcome to Life Skills!! This week we will complete a following directions worksheet where I will give verbal directions and students must follow those verbal directions. Older students will be given their instruction once and must follow it. Younger students will be given their instruction 3 times and must follow it. 

We will complete a following directions verbal and visual activity. I will give a direction and complete the action using a desk camera then students will follow the action. They will mirror the image I draw. 

Students will complete another Thinking Outside the Box worksheet where they are given half a shape and must turn it into a completely different image using their critical thinking skills.


Welcome to Science!! We will learn about clouds and thunderstorms. We will learn about the differences in clouds as well as thunder, lightning, and hail. 

Social Studies

Welcome to Social Studies!! We will touch on social studies next month.