SPA AP, students are expected to Study their notes and practice the language grammar every evening for 60-90 minutes.

Thank you and Good luck!

Course Description:

This course, AP Spanish Language and Culture, is intended for students who wish to develop proficiency and integrate their language skills, using authentic materials and sources. The three language modes of communication:

*Interpretive Mode (Receptive Communication)

Reading Comprehension (Literature, news articles, & essays)

Listening Comprehension (Movies, TV, songs, radio reports, & conversations)

* Interpersonal Mode (Interactive Communication)

Interpersonal Writing (Letters, emails, messages and notes)

Interpersonal Speaking (Face-to-face conversations, phone conversations)

*Presentational Mode (Productive Communication)

Presentational Writing (Synthesis essays, reports, stories, poems)

Presentational Speaking (In-class presentations, video & audio recordings)

It will help prepare students to successfully reach Spanish proficiency as defined in the Standards for Foreign Language to the AP Spanish Language and Culture Course.

The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is conducted exclusively in Spanish. In addition, the course seeks to develop skills that are useful and applicable to various activities and disciplines rather than to the mastery of specific subject matter.

Students will Continued study of essential Spanish grammar and Spanish-speaking cultures. Continued practice and development of reading, writing, and speaking skills in Spanish. Emphasis on fluency and accuracy in spoken Spanish.

Course Competencies:

Demonstrate comprehension of authentic written and oral passages that include detailed descriptions, subjective information, and narrations in the past, present, or future. (I, II)

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate authentic written text. (I, II)

Employ the writing process to provide detailed descriptions, subjective information, and narrations in the past, present, or future. (I, II)

Ask and answer oral questions to provide detailed descriptions, subjective information, narrate in the past, present, or future, give instructions and commands, and maintain conversations. (I, II)

Use target language to interpret cultural norms, values, beliefs, and regional variations in areas where it is spoken/used. (I, II)