SPA 5-6 Honors students are expected to Study their notes and practice the language grammar every evening for 60-90 minutes.

Thank you, Good Luck!

SPA 5-6 HONORS COURSE DESCRIPTION : Students will be able to speak with somewhat longer utterances and begin to display an ability to connect phrases and sentences to show relations between ideas expressed. Although patterns of errors are still common, students will learn to speak and write extemporaneously in past, present and future tense using vocabulary related to their own lives and interests. Accent and intonation will generally begin to be accurate although pauses and false starts may still be common as students give simple instructions and directions, make comparisons, solve problems together, and engage in conversations on a range of topics including leisure activities, professions and current events. In written work, students’ spelling and punctuation will be mostly accurate; and they will learn to organize their ideas well.

Course Competencies


Demonstrate comprehension of written and oral passages that include biographical information, basic questions and descriptions, short narratives, brief dialogues, survival vocabulary, and current events. (I, II)

Compose written passages that include biographical information, basic questions and descriptions, short narratives, brief dialogues, survival vocabulary, and current events. (I, II)

Ask and answer oral questions to satisfy basic needs, express biographical information, provide short descriptions, and participate in very simple conversations. (I, II)

Identify cultural aspects of the target language. (III)

-----------------2ND SEMESTER------------------------------

SPA 102:

Demonstrate comprehension of written and oral passages that include narration in the past, present, or future, emotional reactions, current events, instructions, and commands. (I, II)

Compose written passages that include narration in the past, present, or future, emotional reactions, instructions, and commands. (I, II)

Ask and answer oral questions to narrate in the past, present, or future, express emotional reactions, give instructions and commands, and participate in simple conversations. (I, II)

Recognize and describe key social and cultural traditions in areas where the target language is spoken/used. (III)