
What is Osmo?

That is one of the most asked questions I get from other iExplore teachers and parents.

To put it simply, Osmo is one of my FAVORITE learning activities. It is the MOST popular center in iExplore, and I have to keep a calendar of whose turn it is. (Kindergarteners take this VERY seriously).

It requries an iPhone, iPad, or Kindle Fire tablet, and at least one of the Osmo kits. The investment is well worth it! I usually have 2 Osmo stations set up in the classroom. One is usually focused on coding (I use Coding Duo the most, but the kids LOVE Coding Jam) and the other is set up as Newton or Tangrams or one of the other Osmo critical thinking activities.

I love Osmo because it provides a hands on approach using current technology. It encourages the kids to use those 4C's (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) without it feeling forced. Kids of different ability levels can work together or independently and feel successful.

Want to know more? Visit their website.

(This IS NOT a paid advertisement. Just my love for a product.)

Which Osmo apps do I have?

I have Words, Numbers Toybox, Numbers, Coding Duo, Coding Jam, Coding Awbie, Pizza Co, Tangrams, Monster, Newton, Masterpiece, Super Studio Mickey, and Super Studio Princess.

Check the Play Osmo store soon! They'll be releasing some new games that I had the privilege to test out first!