iExplore Lab at

Marley Park

What is iExplore? (Isn't this just CCR with a new name?)

NO! There are some crossover skills, but this is NOT CCR.

The iExplore Lab is a Kindergarten through 8th Grade special class where students will learn digital citizenship and problems solving skills through real world exercises. The flexible class environment encourages students to communicate, collaborate, think critically, and be creative. Founded on the design thinking process, students will plan, test, and improve their solutions through interest driven projects that relate to potential career paths while enhancing core lessons in other subject areas.

Digital Citizenship

Students will learn to be responsible digital citizens by learning about internet safety with topics including their digital footprint, identity, informational literacy, communications, privacy, and security.

Design Thinking

Students will apply the design thinking process to solve complex problems and find desirable solutions by empathizing, defining, hypothesising, prototyping, and experimentation.

Personalized Learning

Teachers work to ensure student’s learning needs are met and serve as content experts who facilitate and mentor students. In this process, students become self-directed expert learners who monitor progress, take control of their learning, and reflect on that learning based on mastery of content, skills and competencies. To demonstrate mastery of standards and the components of the Profile of a Dysart Graduate, learners are engaged in experiences including daily lessons, activities, assessments, and authentic projects. Students will have the appropriate resources to ensure flexibility in the pacing, order, and integration of content.

New Century Learning Skills

Students will develop life and work skills and competencies to be successful including global awareness, creativity, communication, analyzation, collaboration, and information management.

Focus by Grade

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade:

  • Library Skills
  • Internet Safety
  • Find and Navigate Websites
  • Informational Literacy
  • Design Thinking Process

3rd Grade-5th Grade:

  • Utilize Search Engines
  • Digital Footprint
  • Manage Files
  • Informational Literacy
  • Design Thinking Process

6th - 8th Grade:

  • Identify Valuable Websites
  • Utilize Online Resources for Projects
  • Identify Trustworthy Articles
  • Career Paths
  • Design Thinking Process

Where will it be and how often?

iExplore Lab will take place in the library unless it is being used for another reason (for example, DIBELs testing). Arrangements for another learning location (like their own classroom or outside - weather permitting) will be made for the rare days we can't be in there. For kindergarten through fifth grade, iExplore will be part of their regular specials rotation. Sixth through eighth graders will have iExplore as one of their mandatory electives.

What about the library and those library skills?

All students will continue to have access to the library through out the school year. The books are still in there! Half of the library space is designated for the traditional library experience. There are many books, tables, a projector, and students will have the ability to check out materials. The other half of the library is where iExplore will happen. It's a more open space with some tables, areas for technology use, and maker space materials. It's a more fluid arrangement that can be changed to fit the needs of whatever project is happening.

There are library and literacy skills as part of the curriculum for the younger students (k-2), and those skills will be reinforced and encouraged with the older students as they move through the design process. There will continue to be open library in the morning, as well as scheduled times with their homeroom class.

Who's the teacher?

My name is Mrs. Kathryn Voss. Many of you may know me already as I have taught at Marley Park for a few years. I taught sixth grade language arts here, as well as 7/8 Cambridge science. I graduated from ASU with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in 2004 and began my teaching career in Loudoun County Virginia. While on the east coast I taught 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th grades. As I continued my teaching career I completed my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership at George Mason University in 2014. I returned to Arizona in 2016 to be closer to family (and because I didn't want to dig out of another 4 foot deep blizzard).

I'm really excited about this new program! I've seen many students who struggled in a traditional classroom really excel in this type of "think/plan/do" environment. All students will have the opportunity to stretch their minds, get out of their comfort zones, and engage in rigorous thinking and discussions that will culminate in some sort of product.

You can reach me at the school by calling: 623.523.8200

You can email me at:

Do you need anything?

YES! Please! I will gladly take:

paper towel/toilet tissue tubes

cereal/tissue/shoe boxes

small or "book box" sized flattened cardboard boxes

clean water or soda bottles - lids too

clean plastic food containers and lids

unused straws

Legos (or similar)

Lincoln Logs (or similar)

K'Nex (or similar)

Robot kits (or parts)

Magnets (all sizes/strengths)

building blocks (wooden or foam)

TAPE - any kind (decorative and functional)


storage containers (shoebox size or 10 gallon size)

markers/crayons/colored pencils

glue sticks

construction paper

craft supplies

zip ties


rulers (plastic or wooden)

plastic cups

bathroom sized paper cups

Parent Volunteers (shelve books, make copies, help during build days!)