Did You Know?

Did You Know? Tips and Tricks for Success

Did you know that research shows that poor attendance affects academic performance? Even being late for the first ten minutes of school means that your child will miss 10 minutes of core instruction that cannot always be made up. Being on time and present every day will ensure that your child doesn't miss out on what the rest of the class is busy learning.

Did you know that consistently reading to and with your children increases their vocabulary, comprehension and overall academic performance? Students who have consistent reading experiences with their parents are exposed to more vocabulary, more opportunities for understanding and develop a broader schema to make connections to new learning. Share a love for reading with your child. Make reading to and with your child a consistent practice that both of you can enjoy. Not only is reading a vital component of academic success, it is also FUN!!!! =)

Chang, Hedy N. and Romero, Mariajose, Present, Engaged & Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades, National

Center for Children in Poverty: September 2008.

Ready, Douglas D., Socioeconomic Disadvantage, School Attendance, and Early Cognitive Development, The Differential Effects of School Exposure, Sociology of

Education, October 2010