STEM 6 is a quarter-year project-based course in which students will participate in challenges combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. All 6th graders are required to take this course. This allows the students to fully understand what S.T.E.M. encompasses.

STEM 7/8

STEM 7/8 is a half-year project-based course in which students will participate in challenges combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. This is an elective course for 7th and 8th graders. During this course, we explore CAD (Computer-Aided-Design), Failure, Biomedical Engineering, Robotics, Renewable Energy, and More.

Materials For Class

  • Composition Notebook

  • Pencils

  • Charged Chrome Book

  • A place for papers (a folder or place in a binder)

Photos from STEM 7/8 Field Trip to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
