Additional Resources

Below are some resources for you to explore if your students wants to dive deeper into STEM. Below that I have some STEM Podcasts that I love listening to!

With wonderful events and exhibits it is a great place to visit with your student to excite them about science.

Learn more about the Atlantic Great White Shark at AWSC on the Cape. With two locations to visit learn more about how the creatures that live in our waters.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is a wonderful place to learn more about how the scientist and engineers are exploring the ocean and it's unknown inhabitants from the Arctic to Buzzards Bay.

We use Lego Spike Prime Kits in the classroom but they are also available for purchase at the Lego Store. I would also recommend the Lego Mindstorms for students that want to explore robotics more.

The aquarium has lots of great events going on and even has a wonderful teen volunteer program.

WPI has events throughout the year for outside age groups. There are also several summer camp options for middle and high school students.

STEM Summer Camps

If your child is interested in STEM, there are some fantastic STEM opportunities over the summer they can partake in. Each item is hyperlinked.

Podcasts I'm Loving Right Now!