Procedures and Policies

Procedures are those things that we do on a day to day basis. They help the class run smoothly and insure that everyone knows how something is done.

Charging and iPad

You will receive 3 free Charge passes per semester. These passes are not replaceable, meaning if you lose yours, it's gone. If you use up your passes, and your iPad is dead, you will receive a lunch exclusion. Make sure your name is on your pass. Your pass may not be given to someone else. Passes may be turned in for extra credit at the end of the semester. Passes may not roll over to 2nd semester. If you find that your iPad loses charge quickly, call the district technology help desk, then let me know. If you are just forgetful, you may want to invest in your own personal charger. CLICK HERE FOR MY RECOMMENDATION

Turning in Assignments on Canvas

In most cases, instead of having you turn in your assignments physically, I will ask you to take a photo and upload it to Canvas. Please make sure that the photo is clear, taken from the top, and includes the entire page. Assignments taken at awkward angles or that include cover overlays will be rejected.

Click Here for Examples of Acceptable Uploads


You will receive 3 restroom passes per semester. These passes are not replaceable, meaning if you lose yours, it's gone. If you use up your passes, and your iPad is dead, you will receive a lunch exclusion. Passes may not be used during the first or last 10 minutes of class. Make sure your name is on your pass. Your pass may not be given to someone else. Passes may be turned in for extra credit at the end of the semester. Passes may not roll over to 2nd semester. If you have a health issue let me know

Late Work

Late work is accepted during the grading period for which it was assigned. Anywork beyond 6 weeks will not be accepted. THIS POLICY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE

How to Get Help

I am available most days, except Wednesday, after school for help. Let me know ahead of time if possible so I can make sure to be available. Don't wait until the last minute if you do not understand something.