3rd Grade Pull Out Support 3/16-3/20

Here are the activities and assignments for the week of 3/16/30-3/20/20

Monday March 16th

Spell Sounds Monday 3rd Grade POS


Listen to this video of sounds. As you hear each sound, write the sound that you hear.

Monday Week 1 Word List


Practice this word list with an adult.

Monday Week 1 Grade 3 Word List


Parents, please use this word list and dictate the words/sentences to your student to write on a piece of paper. When you have them write, please say, "I say, you say, finger spell, finger spell and write ____". This is a common phrase for your student and encourages them to use their knowledge of sounds.



We are going to be working on syllable types. Double click the picture at the right to print. Look at the examples for the Vowel Pair syllable and the R Controlled Syllable. Then, go to the bottom of the page. Look at each example. If the syllable ends in a vowel pair, put VP on the line. If it is R controlled, put an R on the line.

Tuesday March 17th

Spell Sounds 3rd Grade Tuesday Week 1


Listen to the videos on sounds. As I dictate the sound, write what you hear.

Tuesday Week 1 Word List

Tuesday-Reading List

Practice this reading list with an adult.

Tuesday Week 1 Word List


Parents, please use this word list and dictate the words/sentences to your student to write on a piece of paper. When you have them write, please say, "I say, you say, finger spell, finger spell and write ____". This is a common phrase for your student and encourages them to use their knowledge of sounds.

3rd Grade POS Week 1 Tuesday


Use a pencil to put a slash in between syllables. There are three syllable types:

O-Open Syllable-Long vowel at the end. Ex. be, my, so, cu, pi.

C-Closed Syllable-short vowel followed by one or more consonants. Ex. mat, doll, ad

E-E Syllable-A silent e (VCE) at the end of a syllable makes the preceding vowel long. Ex. mate, dime, cute.

Now, use a pencil to put a slash in between the base word and the suffix. Then, mark the first syllable types. For example, the first one would be lock/er. On the line before lock, I would put C for closed. On the line after er, I would R for R-controlled.

Wednesday March 18th

I Say You Say - Google Docs.webm


Listen to the sound I say, say the sound, and write it. Double click the video if you are having trouble viewing it. Email me if you are having difficulty.

3rd Grade POS Word List 3/18/20


Read this list to an adult

3/18 3rd Grade POS Parent Dictation


Parents, please dictate 10-15 words and 2 sentences on this list.

New Sound Level 9 - Google Docs.webm


Listen to the new sound. Write each word after I say it. Make sure to fingerspell. Double click the video if you are having trouble viewing it. Email me if you are having difficulty.

3/18/20 New Sound Word List


Read this word list, practicing our new sound with a parent.

Thursday March 19th

3 19 20 Sound 3rd POS.mp4

Listen to the sounds and write them as I say them.

Thursday Week 1 Grade 3 POS Word List

Read this word list to a parent

Week 1 Thursday 3rd POS Dictation

Parents please dictate 10-15 words and 2 sentences. Students remember to fingerspell!

New Sounds 3rd POS 3 19 20 - Google Docs.mp4

New sound! Listen to the new sound. Then, I say, you say, fingerspell, fingerspell and write.

Week 1 Thursday 3rd POS New Sound List

Thursday- Read this word list

Read this word list that will practice the -ch sound.

Friday, March 20th

3 20 20 Sound 3rd POS.webm


Listen to the sounds, say the, and write them.

Friday Week 1 3rd Grade Word List


Read this word list to a parent.

Friday Week 1 3rd Grade POS Dictation


Parents, please dictate 10-15 words and 2 sentences to your student.

New Sound Level 9 - Google Docs.webm


New Sound. Listen to the video, then I say, you say, fingerspell, fingerspell and write.

Friday Week 1 POS 3rd New Sound List


Read this word list to a parent. Remember the soft "c" sound.