Elementary Counseling

Dumont Public Schools

Ms. Jessica Andresini

K-5 School Counselor, Honiss and Selzer

Mrs. Lorena Meadows

K-5 School Counselor, Lincoln and Grant

Welcome, students, parents and guardians...

We are here to help you navigate this transition to remote learning and provide additional support to students and families. It is our hope that the resources available on our website will provide some much-needed calming of any fears and anxieties that you may be feeling.

Scroll down on this page to find some info on COVID-19 for children, activities for social distancing, and organizational tools to use during remote learning.

On the rest of our site, you will find tools to manage anxiety (for students and parents), tips for social emotional learning, mindfulness practices, and activities for self-regulation.

Please email us if you have any questions or if you would like individual support.

Stay safe and calm,

Ms. Andresini and Mrs. Meadows

Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus

Coronavirus info sheet for kids.pdf
Coronavirus worksheet - spanish version.pdf

Daily Schedule and Organization

Daily Routine Chart.pdf