
The fourth project meeting was held on 31 January - 4 February in Kaunas, Lithuania. Some days before our arrival there had been a snowfall and the whole city was white. That caused a lot of excitement for the students from Portugal who hadn’t seen snow for quite a long time.

On the first morning we were warmly greeted by some students and teachers at the entrance to the school and received a badge - the flag of Lithuania - to wear it during our stay in this country. After that the opening ceremony of the mobility took place. We could enjoy some dances and songs prepared by hosts and listen to the presentations given by participating countries. Between the presentations the audience was asked some questions based on the fun facts of the participating countries. As a result, we found out about the most popular sports in Estonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Turkey and Romania and learned some general facts about these countries.

The main events of the mobility were organising a food fair and a forum theatre.

In the forum theatre, students were divided into mixed groups. They had to act out a problematic situation; first, all the actors treated each other intolerantly, to demonstrate how everybody’s feelings are hurt in case no consideration takes place. Having received feedback from the audience on what was wrong, students acted out the same situation so that nobody’s feelings were hurt. Analysing scenes that way made everybody clear why it is important to consider others.

Food fair and national dance workshop were both merry events. We learned a lot about each other’s culture and had fun dancing. The school etno band "Gile" … played live music and gave a wonderful performance.

We also made a trip to Vilnius and to Trakai and each of us learned how to bake kibins. In addition, we visited the water park in Druskininkai and had dinner in a national restaurant.

Thank you, Lithuania for such an awful time! Everything was absolutely brilliant!!!


Schedule for students ERASMUS+.pdf
Schedule for teachers ERASMUS+.pdf
