A closer look at our project

The project aims to:

develop civic competencies and increase self-esteem of students from five EU countries;

facilitate understanding the concepts ‘tolerance’ and ‘mutual understanding’ at a personal level as well as in the European context;

provide participants with practical examples for acting as civic-minded citizens;

raise awareness about diversity and cultural identities promoting social cohesion;

boost the feeling of belonging to the EU community.

To achieve the above-mentioned goals, an innovative attitude will be applied. Linking the benefits of using ICT in education will tackle give personality dimensions:

openness to experience: students will be motivated to express their emotions and opinions using Art. They will produce the movie “Tolerance through my eyes” together as well as scenarios for the Forum theater and digital photos. They will use art for the Festival of Tolerance And Mutual Understanding.

extraversion: team building activities, sports competitions and board games will stimulate students’ assertiveness and sociability.

amicability: working in transnational groups and making products together will develop students’ cooperation skills. The flashcards, the dictionary of the project, handmade bookmarks and thematic puzzles will be tangible products they will create together.

neuroticism: students will experience unpleasant and pleasant emotions: irritation, sadness, nervousness and vulnerability during the Forum theater activity. They will become aware of how intolerance is perceived by others, they will develop empathy and see how important it is to be an active citizen.

The activities are designed to develop the tolerance, mutual understanding, intercultural competences, social and civic spirit. The international cooperation will broaden the cross-cultural knowledge and understanding about the countries, cultures and values strengthening the feeling of belonging to a united Europe.