Wells Athletics

After School Athletics 

Wells Middle School is an active participant of the Tri-Valley Athletic League (TVAL) 

We compete against other middle schools from Dublin and Pleasanton.


Program Objectives 

Our League believes that athletic participation is an integral part to the common mission of our schools and is viewed as an extension of our overall school programs.  We hold the philosophy that participation in interscholastic athletics should be enjoyable with the purpose of benefiting students.  Our league sports are developmental and competitive with goals of fostering the value of participation without overemphasizing winning.  Additional goals of the league are to develop skills and an understanding of the chosen sport, develop an appreciation and respect for TEAM as well as school, opponents and officials.


ATHLETIC PACKET - must be completed EACH school year! (CLICK HERE for Home Campus Website) 

You MUST complete or update the signup process using Home Campus before your child can take part in sports.

Students must have a completed physical release form on file in order to participate. Make sure to UPLOAD a valid physical form on Home Campus. 

A licensed physician must perform physicals. The physical form is valid from one (1) year of the EXAM DATE. The Date of Exam must be valid from tryouts through the last competition of the sport. 

Here is a blank physical form if you need to print out. BLANK PHYSICAL FORM  

A valid sport physical clearance from your doctor is also acceptable.

Please note: Physicals performed by a chiropractor will not be accepted.

ALL requirements MUST be met by the SPORTS CLOSING DATE! 

Once you have submitted ALL requirements above, you can check to see if your application is cleared on Home Campus. 

Academic Eligibility

All students who wish to participate in our extracurricular athletic programs, must also meet the academic eligibility criteria of becoming a student athlete. Students who achieve and maintain a 2.0 overall G.P.A. and no more than one "F" will be eligible to participate in our sports programs. 

Program Funding - donation 

The After School Sports program operates solely on a donation basis.  These suggested monies help pay for equipment, uniforms, site fees, coaches and referees.  We appreciate your continued support of Wells Middle School and its programs. Please make check payable to Wells Middle School and drop it off at the office. You can also make your donation online through Wells webstore. Here is the link Wells Webstore 

$75 - Boys and Girls Basketball (7th & 8th grade)

$50 - Boys and Girls Basketball (6th grade)

$40 - Boys and Girls Cross Country

$75 - Boys and Girls Golf

$40 - Boys and Girls Track

$75 - Boys and Girls Volleyball

$75 - Boys and Girls Wrestling


Private vehicles will provide transportation to and from away games.  All drivers who will be transporting students, other than their own, must complete the volunteer application fieldtrip drivers on beamentor.org, click on this link DAY FIELD TRIP DRIVERS. A copy of your driver's license and proof of insurance coverage will need to be provided. 

 Athletic Director 

Jason Hicks 

Email address hicksjason@dublinusd.org