Music and PE

Hello Parents,

If you haven't yet, please sign up for Class Dojo for Music and PE.

Just get the Classdojo app for your device or go to the website ( on your computer and sign up! Our name is Jones-Heintz-Music /Day-PE 2019/20 under Dublin Elementary.

Please help us by making sure everyone in your class is connected. We will post videos and invite students to share what they are doing in music and in PE through the app. Also, Mrs. JH is planning to have some Zoom classes and testing via computer for our recorder players and some fun lessons and songs will be posted on ClassDojo for all grade levels!! Stay healthy and keep singing and being active at home!

Here are the names of the classes on Jones-Heintz-Music/Day-PE 2019/20 under Dublin Elementary:

(Please contact Mrs. JH if you are having trouble or have questions:

4th Agenjo/Cullom

4th Battershell

4th Buchanan

4th Copp

4th Dwyer

Thanks all!!!!!

Warmly, Mrs. JH and Ms. Day

Here are links to the songs they have been practicing with Mrs. Jones-Heinz!

Oh Bla Di Oh Bla Da

and this version is fun if you have time!

The Picnic of the World (one of those memorize the countries songs)

Let It Be- Karaoke (in chorus sing "Whisper words of wisdom" every time)

Tina Singu (African folk song about the fire of passion) (led by Pete Seger)

Ring of Fire (What is your ring of fire? ie your passion)

Me and Julio Down by the School Yard (just featured in Secret Life of Pets 2)

The Never Ending Story (very popular right now...every class asked for an encore)

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (Music in our schools month song)

The Yellow Submarine

A Round is a Circle

Big Yellow Taxi

Stand by Me (we do not do the instrument solo)

Lime in the Coconut

lesson plan for 2/3 weeks emergency.pdf