Supporting Addition Fluency

The order facts should be learned

Image was adapted from Build Math Minds

Students should first understand adding +0 or +1 to any number. They should then focus on understanding facts within 5, making 10 and doubles facts (7+7, 3+3 etc.). Students use these foundational facts to help solve for other facts. (For example, if a child can solve 7+7, they can use that knowledge to help solve facts such as 7+6.)

Games can be played with these cards which help students develop visual representations of numbers which is an important component of developing number sense and fluency.

These activities by Christina Tondevold, encourage the development of 4 Number Relationships. Spatial Relationship, One/Two More or Less, Benchmarks of 5 & 10, Part-Part-Whole.

This is a math tool that helps students develop number sense and fluency. Find directions for a DIY Rekenrek here.

Dot Patterns

How many dots? How did you see the dots? (Focus on parts that make a whole)

These cards focus on the parts that make a whole.

These cards can be used to help students understand the place and value of the digits within a number.

Math flips

Math Flips are flashcards with a problem on the front and a similar problem on the back (instead of a problem and an answer) to encourage relational thinking rather than answer-getting. Link to Berkeley Everett's Math Visuals site.