
Make a list of keywords

Start with your research question and identify the most important words and concepts. (Watch the video)

Find more keywords

YES! Wikipedia is great for this! Check headings, bolded words, and related topics. Indexes in books can also help you find topic-specific words. Pay attention to words that keep popping up.

Mix and match words

Don't get stuck with a bunch of the same information-- ask for the same information in different ways to gain details and insight. Combine different keywords together in your searches.

Avoid biased searching

Remember that a database uses ALL the words you type. If you ask an actual question, it can bias results. "Are windmills bad for the environment" turns into "Windmills ARE bad for the environment." Stick with keywords.

Using words like "Good" or "Bad" infer judgement. Find a neutral word instead. "Windmills environment impact"