Ayurveda evam Samagra Swasthya Shodhamala 2019;1(1):5
Management of Symptoms of Parkinsonism Through Panchakarma Therapy
Ashok Kumar Pandey*, Saurabh Mishra**, Alka Mishra*
* Department of Ayurveda and Holistic Health, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Gayatrikunj-Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
** Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Gayatrikunj-Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Corresponding Author: Saurabh Mishra - Email: sau.dsvv@gmail.com
Background: Parkinson's disease is a disabling neurodegenerative disorder, mainly affecting the elderly population. Symptoms of Parkinsonism include motor function abnormalities, tremors in hands and legs, postural instability, etc. Side-effect free, long-term management of Parkinsonism is still a challenge. According to Ayurveda, the disease that resembles the symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease is Kampavata (kampa means tremors), which is primarily caused by the imbalance of the Vata Dosha. Various Panchakarma procedures have been found useful in the treatment of different Vata Vyadhis (diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata Dosha).
Methodology: Panchakarma therapy was administered for 19 days to a male patient suffering from symptoms of Parkinsonism (Kampavata) since about nine months, as well as other associated ailments. According to Ayurveda, Kampavata is primarily associated with Vata imbalance. Hence, Vata pacifying herbal medicines, that also provide strengthening and nourishing effect to the degenerative tissues of the body, as well as nourishment to the brain, were used.
Results: The patient experienced significant relief in the tremors in B/L hands, numbness in B/L big toes, weakness in lower extremity, and lower back pain. The patient also experienced notable relief in the complaints of Constipation, Gastric upset, and Flatus. Overall, the patient reported a satisfactory experience after taking the therapy.
Conclusion: Panchakarma therapy showed encouraging results in the management of symptoms associated with Parkinsonism, as well as other associated ailments, in short duration of time.
Parkinsonism, Ayurveda, Kampavata, Panchakarma, Herbal Medicine
Cite this research article as follows:
Pandey AK, Mishra S, Mishra A. Management of symptoms of parkinsonism through panchakarma therapy. Ayurveda evam Samagra Swasthya Shodhamala. 2019;1(1):5. [cited date]. Available from: https://sites.google.com/dsvv.ac.in/shodhamala-dahh/asssm11/asssm115
Published Online: 30th September 2019
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