Disney Trip Forms

Disney Paperwork Checklist

Questions about forms: Please contact Olivia Yuan at o.yuanyuan@gmail.com or call/text 916-517-5127

Attestation form for Antigen Covid Testing

Antigen test attestation form if you are using a home antigen test on Wed March 16th as your pre-trip test. See the Covid Testing page for more info.

Student Forms

  1. Student Field Trip Authorization/Autorización para Excursión del Estudiante

  2. Student Trip Behavior Expectations/Expectativas de comportamiento del estudiante durante el viaje

  3. DJUSD Medication Assistance Authorization/Autorización de asistencia con medicamentos de DJUSD

3a. NEW FORM Doctor signature is required to take any over the counter medications. This version of the form is prefilled with typical over the counter pain killers and motion sickness medication. Any other over the counter medications you want your student to have need to be added to the list and provided to the medical chaperones at Luggage Drop-Off on March 16, 2022. DJUSD Medication Assistance Authorization pre-filled for over the counter pain and motion sickness medications/Autorización de Asistencia con Medicamentos del DJUSD precargada para medicamentos de venta libre para el dolor y el mareo por movimiento

  1. Non-employee consent to give medications/Consentimiento de no empleados para administrar medicamentos

  2. If you are not traveling with the group on the bus the entire time, please also fill out Student Alternate Transportation Form/Si no viaja con el grupo en el autobús todo el tiempo, complete también el Formulario de transporte alternativo para estudiantes

  3. Tour Company Liability Waiver/Exención de responsabilidad de la empresa turística

  4. Tour Company Medical Release and History/Publicación médica e historial de Tour Company

Chaperones only need to complete the two tour company forms (6 &7 on this list)

Note: New or updated Covid vaccination cards can be emailed to covid19reporting@djusd.net

Downloadable copy of the form checklist

Chaperone Forms

  1. Tour Company Liability Waiver/Exención de responsabilidad de la empresa turística

  2. Tour Company Medical Release and History/Publicación médica e historial de Tour Company

Downloadable copy of the form checklist