
Students will be graded on the following criteria:

Class Conduct

Each student is given a daily participation/class conduct grade out of five points. If the student is following the classroom rules of conduct (Attitude, Respect, Effort, Spic & Span, and Time), he or she will receive the full five points. Point(s) will be deducted from their grade if a student chooses to conduct themselves in an inappropriate manner.

Studio Projects

Each studio project will be assigned a grade. Rubrics will be used for student self-assessment as well as instructor assessment. Points will not be deducted from the project as long as the instructor receives the project by the end of the quarter.

Individual Assignments

Each student will complete one individual assignment by the end of the quarter, worth 50 points. These assignments are for students to work on if they are finished with a studio project early. They can be done in class, in study hall, or at home if necessary. They have 10 options to choose from, with examples to look at for inspiration.

Class Assignments

In class assignments can vary from writing facts on the color wheel to a class critique about a famous piece of artwork. The amount of points for the class assignments can also vary.


The grade you may see posted on the CSIU site may not accurately reflect your student's grade for two reasons. One they may have missing assignments and two they may never turn those assignments in resulting in a zero.

In my classroom, I believe that everyone can be a successful artist. The students know the requirements of each project through verbal and visual direction multiple times each class. I place effort above any other requirement. Even if a student does not consider him/herself to be the best artist, they can still achieve success by trying their hardest and following the classroom expectations. I also believe that most great art comes from taking chances. I constantly encourage my students to do just that for each project. Bravery is often times the road to success.