Art Club

Art Club Quarter Three/Four Members

Art Club Description

Art Club is a great choice for any creative student who enjoys making art. Students will learn new techniques and experiment with a variety of art materials while working independently to create unique artworks. Art Club is open to any sixth, seventh, and eighth grade student; however seating is limited to 25 students per group and members of the club will be chosen by the moderator. To be considered, students must complete an essay detailing their motivation to join the club. Members will meet on Friday morning in room 121, the Art room during activity period. Art club is moderated by Ms. Rother and regular attendance is mandatory.

For students who have art class during the 1st and 2nd quarters, art club will be offered during the 3rd and 4th quarters. For students who have art class during the 3rd and 4th quarters, art club will be offered during the 1st and 2nd quarters.

Art Club Essay

To be considered for membership in the DMS Art Club, any interested student need to complete an essay. The essay must be turned in by the due date given. (Friday, October 16th) Essays turned in after the due date will not be considered. Seating is limited, so only those students who write the most detailed and persuasive essays will be chosen. The essay can be any length and it should include, but is limited to the following topics.

1. Why are you interested in joining the Art Club?

2. What do you expect to get out of being a member of this club?

3. What would you like to learn?

4. What do you like about art?

5. Who is your favorite artist(s) and why?

6. What talents can you share with the club?

7. Do you have a favorite style of art, if so what is it and why so you love this style of art?

A typed essay is preferred, but not required.

Art Club Essays are due _______!