Materials, Class Rules, Grading

Required Class Materials:

Please make sure that you have these materials for science class everyday:

  • Binder for Science class ONLY

  • Notebook paper

  • Highlighter

  • Pencil and/or pen (blue or black ink only)

  • Chromebook

Optional items: colored pencils, notecards

Classroom rules


  • Readiness—Arrive on time to class with notebook, chromebook, pen/pencil, highlighter and any assignments that may be due.

  • Respect—Show respect for yourself, the room, and everyone in it. Think about the possible results of your actions before you act/speak.

  • Responsibility—You are responsible for yourself, your possessions and your actions. The three R’s contribute to a student’s participation grade, monitored daily, culminating in a quarterly grade.


Grades are calculated on a points system based on tests/quizzes, pop-quizzes, labs, homework, projects, notebook checks, and participation. In addition, students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of PA state science standards through quarterly exams and one (1) formal lab report per quarter. All these categories will be recorded in Progress Book, as soon as any tests, quizzes, labs, or homework are corrected. Naturally, correcting shorter tests or quizzes is accomplished faster than grading lab reports, essays or projects. Therefore, depending on the category of the grade, the frequency of Progress Book updating will vary. In general, grades will be updated by 8:00 AM on Monday of each week to allow accurate reporting of grades for sports eligibility. Please note, teachers do not have access to individual student/parent access codes. It is the student’s responsibility to keep a current record of their grades in the grade section of their notebook. Occasionally, students will be assigned to have a grade sheet signed by a parent/guardian for a homework grade. This is to ensure that both the student and parent/guardian are aware of the student’s progress.

*Please note that all absent work will be averaged in as a zero until the assignment is made up.

Homework: Assignments are to be turned in on the assigned due date. Homework generally consists of review worksheets that may be completed with the use of notes or provided online resources.

Learning Goals - These are the objectives (study guide) for each testing section. The Learning Goals are given prior to the start of each new topic. Students are expected to complete the goals and submit them for a grade when the topic has concluded. Learning goals will be graded, returned, and reviewed with students for accuracy/understanding before each announced test/quiz.

Notebooks: Every student must maintain a science notebook for the entire year.

Notebooks are expected to be neat, completed, organized, and according to format. All notes and handouts should be kept in the notebook in the designated sections. A notebook grade will be given quarterly.

**A classroom notebook is on display in the classroom for comparison or to copy missed notes.

ALL test information comes from the notes/handouts.