Days: 1-6

Location: Room #220 

Contact Information

Webpage:  Please use the links provided on the district website.   (Preferred method of contact.)

Phone: Please call the main office at:  570-674-7245 and leave a message with the administrative assistants.  I will return your call as soon as possible.

Assignments and announcemnts are regularly posted on Google Classroom.  Parents and students may join the respective Google Classroom using the codes below.

Period 1     mbldzmz

Period 2        7j4s5hb

Period 4     t22xxfe

Period 6     bpx7cdk  

Period 7     gnvyz2b

Technology used to enhance the learning experience may include:  Gizmos (interactive labs and simulations), Gimkit (interactive learning games) and labs within the Openscied program.

The 2023-24 school year has many exciting new things in store for the Dallas Middle School. 

As you are aware, Pennsylvania is moving towards S.T.E.E.L.S. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Environmental Literacy Standards). As Dallas School District prepares to incorporate these changes we will be piloting a new science program called Openscied in some classes of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  While students will have varied experiences and investigations from teacher to teacher, we want to reassure you that all students will continue to receive the same high quality curriculum and instruction.  We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.  We look forward to another exciting and successful school year.