
We hope everyone is having a great summer! 

When we start school in the Fall all students should have the following items for the Eighth Grade U S History Course: 

All students are to bring their Dallas School district issued Chromebooks to class every day.

A binder for history class is acceptable but not necessary. Bring a pocketed folder for history papers.  A separate folder for History class is necessary.  

Notebook filler paper is available in the classroom.    

 Several writing utensils: preferably pencils.. 

Also, two or three poster boards will be helpful because we will have several projects to complete throughout the course of the year.   

We always run short of the following items: tissues, pencils, hand sanitizer and lined paper for note taking.  Anyone who can help with one or two of these items will help in preventing the spread of germs and illness in the school. 

Please see the homework link for homework announcements and upcoming events!

Have a Great School Year!

Mr. S.