Dr. Raub can be found in Room 105 from 7:45 am until 3:10 pm. If you have questions before or after those hours, I can be reached via main office.


Over the course of the school year, we will write several factual and research based papers ranging in length from one paragraph to five pages. You will learn how to research a given topic and how to include that information in your writing - complete with proper in text citations. You will also learn how to organize your information in a an outline as a form of prewriting and create a bibliography as a means to keep all your source information organized. This style of writing is unlike anything you have done and will take dedication, focus and even some patience but you are going to become much better at it as we move through the school year. 


The purpose of the Research Writing course is to help you to become better writers (and students) especially in the world of research and factual writing.  In order for that to happen, you are expected to be contributing members of each class by coming to class with the necessary materials, having assignments completed on time, appropiately participating in class discussions, and not distracting from instruction or time dedicated to learning. You are encouraged to ask for help when needed in order to achieve the best possible scores on all assignments and to strength your writing skills. 

It is important that you know up front that I expect you to be a responsible student in regards to assignments, due dates and following directions when they are given. You are responsible for yourself, your possessions and your actions.  



Assignments will be categorized using the following headings: Bell Ringers and Assignments (and maybe extra credit as needed) and will be graded using a point system and entered into CSIU once a week, on Wednesdays.  

BELL RINGERS will be completed at the beginning of each class period.  Each day is worth 5 points.  If you are absent on a given day, your grade will be marked as EX on CSIU and no points will be earned (no penalty, just no points).  If you do not do the bell ringer or do not put your name on it, you will receive a zero for that day and that grade can not be made up. 

(IN CLASS) ASSIGNMENTS will typically be electronic but some will be paper-and-pencil as well.  Each assignment will be posted on our Google Classroom even if it is being done on paper.  All assignment due dates/times will be provided on the day the assignment is given. Your work must be turned in by that due date (and time) in order to receive full credit.    If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the Google Classroom and, if necessary, come to my room to collect any materials upon your return to school (even if it is not a day that we have class). You are still responsible for having the work in on the due date.  On the chance that you do not complete an assignment by the due date/time, you will have a grace period to turn in an assignment for half credit.  The length of that grace period will differ based on the assignment and will be posted as a private comment on the assignment on Google Classroom. Please be mindful of both due dates and times to earn full credit for your hard work. After that grace period, the assignment will no longer be accepted and a grade of zero will be entered on CSIU. Once a grade of zero is entered in CSIU, the assignment is no longer available for credit.

When submitting late assignments, the Grade/Regrade Google Form must be completed.  This will ensure that I know that you turned in the assignment and that we both have a record of when it was submitted for a grade. Late work will be graded on Wednesdays only. NO LATE ASSIGNMENT WILL BE GRADED WITHOUT THE COMPLETION OF THIS FORM. This includes work that is late because of an absence or vacation or, if specified beforehand, work that can be redone to bring up a grade.  These late assignments, as well as the updating of CSIU, will also happen on Wedensdays. 

⭐Mrs. Cavill will host Writing Lab on days 1 & 2 during 5th period and I will host days 1-4 during 3rd period. If you ever need assistance with a paper or assignment, we will be available. 

Special statement concerning Artificial Intelligence aided work:

It is assumed that all work submitted by students will be generated by the students themselves, working individually or in groups, as assigned. Students are not to have another person or entity do any of the writing of any assignment for them. This includes Artificial Intelligence tools like Chat GPT or others.  Use of these tools to complete work, writing assignments, or generate projects is considered academic dishonesty and will be subject to the Academic Honesty policy as stated in the course syllabus and the DMS student handbook.

You are expected to take an active role in this course. We are going to have a wonderful year together 

and I look forward to seeing your grow as people, as students and as writers!