Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is your policy for absenteeism? It is the student's responsibility to come to me, in Room 105, upon returning to school to gather all missed assignments. This must happen regardless of whether or not we have class on the day they return to school. All worksheets will be available to be picked up, with name and due date filled in to ensure that there is no confusion about what is required. Students will be held to the predetermined due date for each assignment missed. All assignments will be posted on the appropriate Google Classroom so that students are informed about what they have missed and what is due. 

2. Can my child get extra copies of homework and/or in-class assignments? In order to encourage students to be more responsible and organized they will only be given one copy of each assignment. All worksheets should be kept in a binder to ensure that they are protected and organized.

3. Do you accept late assignments?

On the day that each assignment is given a due date will be given (and posted) as well.  Work must be turned in on that due date to receive full credit.  If you were absent, you are responsible for coming to my room upon your return to school in order to collect all missed assignments and you are still responsible for having the work in on the due date.  If an assignment is not turned in on time, it can be completed for half credit during the determined grace period.  If the assignment is not turned in during that grace period, no credit will be given. Once a grade of zero has been posted to CSIU the assignment is no longer available for credit. 

4. How are grades determined? Grades are composed of in-class assignments, AR tests, homework and projects.  Students and guardians may calculate current grades by totaling the points that they have earned and dividing by the total possible points, then multiplying by 100 to determine the percentage.

5. How can I check my student's grades/assignments? All middle school parents are strongly encouraged to check CSIU and our Google Classroom regularly and discuss assignments and grades with their students.  Reading and Writing grades will be updated once a week (typically on Fridays during Activity Period). 

5. Is extra credit available? Extra credit is only offered to students who have completed all other assignments and will be assigned at the conclusion of each marking period.

6. How many AR tests must be taken? Students will take a minimum of three AR tests per marking period. The AR guidelines can be found under the Accelerated Reader tab.