What is your policy on absenteeism?

When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to complete the assignment from the day they were IN school to have it ready to be handed in on the day they return, since they would have that assignment with them at home. Considering most assignments are on a worksheet, the students would not be able to complete the worksheet since they would not have a copy. If it is available on the web page, they may download it and print it to complete for homework. All students will be given until the day after they return to school to complete the missing assignment. It is the student's responsibility to hand in this assignment for credit.

What is your policy on making up assessments?

The student will take the assessment on the day they return to class IF they only missed the assessment day. If they have missed more days, I will give them a few days to prepare. It is the student's responsibility to be sure they are prepared for the assessment by asking for any necessary help.

Important information on preparing for tests:

Tests are given at the end of each chapter. The tests are announced about a week in advance. The information will also be on my web page. Tests will consist of all information covered in class. Test material will be similar to homework problems and problems in the notebook. Students should use their notebooks to STUDY for tests. Students should redo problems throughout the chapter in their notebook and check the answers. Students can cover the answers with post-it notes and redo the problems. Then lift the post-it to check their answers. This is an excellent way to practice the material.

**The day before a chapter test, students will complete a review sheet on the chapter material in class to practice the concepts that will be tested. Students will be able to ask questions while they are completing the review sheet. Answers to the review sheet will be given in class after students have finished. Therefore, there is no reason why students should not be prepared for any test. Students should study this review sheet.