

Dallas Middle School has adopted the policy of making student grades 

available online via the CSIU grading system. All courses taught by Mr. Haas 

are graded using four equally weighted components: quizzes, tests, class 

projects, and homework/warm up activities.  Individual 

grades are based on a points system, yet no category is worth more than 25%.  

Grades will be recorded in CSIU as soon as assignments are corrected 

and will be updated daily. The lone exception is the homework/warm up 

component.  Those grades will be updated bi-quarterly.  If you see no change 

to your child's grades, it means that the the assignments are in the process 

of being graded or there was no graded assignment for the week. 


Answer questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES when working on comprehension 

questions.  You will appreciate having them completely done when you use 

your homework to study for exams.


Bring book, binder,  Chromebook, and highlighter to class every day.

Use your math-issued username and password to access

Locker visits are allowed only:

--at the beginning and end of each day.

--after 2nd period.

--before and after lunch.