About The Teacher

NAME: Mr. Haas

SCHOOL: Dallas Middle School

CLASS: 7th world history

SCHOOL PHONE: 570.675.5201

Email: hhaas@ d s d h s .c o m

About The Teacher

Mr. Haas graduated from Dallas High School in 1993. He lived in Spain as an exchange student for a year after graduation and went on to college at George Washington University in Washington, DC. After teaching in DC Public Schools and Alexandria, VA for four years, he returned to northeastern Pennsylvania to give back to our amazing community and to raise a family.

Mission For The Class

Three common objectives underlie the study of all social studies disciplines:

1) to analyze the themes of history so we don't repeat previous mistakes.

2) to learn about our community, country, and world in order to prevent conflict and promote good will.

3) to seize all the opportunities that come with knowledge and wisdom in order to enrich the lives of others and our own.