At Simcoe, we are happy to have 3 Technology Specialist High Skills Major Programs.

  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Hospitality & Tourism (*Coming 2024)

  • Manufacturing

Governor Simcoe Technology

Explore all the technology that Simcoe has to offer. It will open up a whole new world for you!

Meet our Team:

Erin Risto

Teaches Design Technology (Archectectural & Mechanical Design), Interior Design, Communications Technology, Exploring Technology and Exploring Computers Technology

Michael DiRamio

Teaches Computer Engineering, Exploring Computers Technology, Computer Programming, and Math

Ivan Iseppon

Teaches Graphic Design, Photography, Video, Exploring Technology and Construction.

Chris Horsfall

Teaches Manufacturing, and Exploring Technology

Dario Vrbanek

Teaches Hospitality & Tourism, Exploring Technology and Exploring Computers Technology