
Communications Technology explores the various fields

  • Graphic Design

  • Print & Media Design

  • Photography

  • Animation

  • Video Production *Grade 10 only. Explore the focus course for grades 11 & 12

  • Yearbook Layout and Design


TIJ1O - Grade 9, Exploring Technology

TGJ2O - Grade 10

TGJ3M - Grade 11

TGJ4M - Grade 12 (* Requires TGJ3M)

Students use many programs in Communications

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Premier

  • Adobe Light Room

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Canva

  • Pixler

  • GIMP

  • Various Android/Apple Apps

Students also get to use professional equipment

  • DSLR cameras

  • Light pads

  • Professional lighting and backdrops

  • Green screens