Be Connected


  • Listen with Empathy

  • Consistently Encourage

  • Support safe online connections with peers

  • Make time to relax together

  • Encourage your student to reach out to their teacher if they are having difficulty. See below for options for staff support and connections.

Student Tips

  • Reach out to your teacher if you don't understand concepts or ideas

  • If you don't know where to start, log into the Virtual Resource Room to talk to Ms. Barker, Ms. Prochownik, Mr. Borbely or Ms. Graham. (see below)

  • If you need specific help log into one of the subject specific direct connect courses.

  • Make an appointment with Student Services: Guidance Counselor, Social Worker, Youth Counselor. Link to appointment request form

Guidance and Student Services Google Classrooms

Connection Resources

Virtual Synchronous Support for Online Learners

I visited each of these supports so you could see what they were like.

Visit to the Subject Specific Direct Connect Session

Direct Connect Visit.mp4

Visit to the Virtual Resource Room (COMING SOON)