김진홍 (Jinhong Kim) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Dissertation: Identifying core technologies using the patent-based approaches: ConvMed technology and TransCubating technology
Ph.D.: Data Science, SeoulTech (2025)
M.S.: Management of Technology, Sogang University (2019)
B.S.: Industrial Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology (2017)
Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute, Senior Researcher, 2021.03.~2021.07.
Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance, Researcher, 2018.11.~2020.10.
김신호(Shinho kim) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 다중 역할 경험을 고려한 게임 유저 이탈 예측 : 리그 오브 레전드 게임을 중심으로 = Churn prediction based on the multi-role experience a case of League Of Legends games (2024)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2024)
- Computer Science, Dongseo University (2022)
- Bigdata, Dongseo University (2022)Affiliation : 웹젠
전병민(Byeongmin Jeon) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 네트워크 확장을 통한 CGN 기반 GitHub 코드 리뷰어 추천 시스템 = GCN-based GitHub code reviewer recommendation system through network expansion (2022)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2022)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2021)
이예빈(Yebin Lee) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 특허 지도 및 머신러닝을 통한 공백 기술의 도출 및 평가: 탐색적 접근 = Deriving Emerging Vacant Technologies Using Generative Topographic Mapping(GTM) Patent Map and Machine Learning: An Exploratory Approach (2022)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2022)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2021)
Affiliation : (주)인이지
박영준(Youngjoon Park) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : XAI 모델 비교 분석을 통한 게임 리뷰 핵심 키워드 도출 = Derive important keywords for game review through comparitive analysis of XAI models (2022)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2022)
B.S. : Business Administration, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : 페니로이스
한재웅(Jaewoong Han) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 유튜브 자막을 활용한 동영상 하위 카테고리 분류: 과학 기술 관련 동영상 중심으로 = Categorizing Sub-Categories of YouTube Videos using YouTube Captions: A Case of science and technology – related videos (2022)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2022)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : NH농협생명
전우진(Woojin Jeon) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 특허 데이터를 통한 유망 기술 예측 : 유망 기술의 특징을 기반으로 = Predicting Emerging Technologies through Patent Data: Based on Characteristics of Emerging Technologies (2022)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2022)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : 현대오토에버
박민규(Mingyu Park) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 특허 CPC 링크 예측을 활용한 기업 수준의 기술 기회 발굴: GCN과 머신러닝 접근 = Firm-level Technology Opportunity Development using patent CPC link prediction: GCN and machine learning approach (2021)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2021)
B.S. : Business Administration, Open University (2018)
Affiliation : 드라마앤컴퍼니
하소희(Sohee Ha) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 신서비스 발굴을 위한 데이터 기반 통합 QFD-MA 접근: 인수합병 데이터를 중심으로 = Data-driven QFD-MA integrated approach to discover new services: Focusing on M&A data (2021)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2021)
-Industrial and Information Systems Engineering(Major), SeoulTech (2019)
-Business Administration(Minor), SeoulTech (2019)
Affiliation : OP.GG
김준한(Joonhan Kim) - 일반대학원 데이터사이언스학과
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Graduation Thesis : 데이터 기반 기술로드맵 구축: 토픽모델링 및 링크 예측 접근 = How to develop data-driven technology roadmaps: The integration of topic modeling and link prediction (2021)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2021)
B.S. : Industrial and Management Engineering, Myongji University (2019)
김미래(Mirae Kim)
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Graduation Thesis : 머신러닝 기법을 활용한 특허권리이전 예측 = Prediction of patent rights transfer using machine learning (2019)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech(2019)
B.S. : Marketing Communication Technology Convergence, Hallym University (2016)
Affiliation : 드림어스컴퍼니
조경재 (Gyeongjae Cho)
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Graduation Thesis : 콜센터 정보보호관리체계(ISMS) 인증항목의 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구 = A Study on Priority Selection of Certification Items for Call Center Information Security Management System (2019)
M.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2019)
Affiliation : 대교
권의준 (Uijun Gwon)
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Graduation Thesis : 축적된 기술지식 품질을 고려한 유망기술 예측 : 기계학습 기법을 중심으로 = Forecasting emerging technologies based on accumulated technological knowledge : A machine learning approach (2018)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech (2018)
B.S. : Business Administration, Kangwon National University (2015)
Affiliation : 연세의료원(연세대학교 의과대학 심장·혈관 ICT기술연구센터)
윤정환 (Junghwan Yun)
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Graduation Thesis : 토픽모델링 및 SVM 기반 특허 클래스 자동분류 = Automated Patent Classification based on Topic Modeling and Support Vector Machine (2018)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech(2018)
-Electonic and information Communication Engineering, Kangwon National University (2016)
-Data Analysis, Kangwon National University (2016)
Affiliation : 메디누보
문진희 (Jinhee Moon)
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Graduation Thesis : 데이터 마이닝을 활용한 영화 VOD 흥행 예측 및 주요 흥행 요인 분석 = Predicting and Analyzing Movie VOD Success : A Data Mining Approach (2016)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech(2017)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2015)
Affiliation : 딜리셔스
Tohir Yuldoshev (토히르 율도세프)
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Graduation Thesis : Comparing Technological Trend Between Russia and South Korea - A Case of Mobile Phone Industry (2017)
M.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2017)
B.S. : Informatization and library science , Tashkent university of Information Technology (UZ), 2014
Affiliation : (주)제이넷
민혜종 (Hyejong Min)
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Graduation Thesis : 토픽모델링을 이용한 빅데이터 동향의 다각적 분석 = Bigdata trend diversified analysis using Topic modeling (2015)
M.S. : Data Science, SeoulTech(2016)
B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2014)
Affiliation : 11번가
김홍일(Hongil Kim) - 글로벌융합산업공학과 산업공학과 전공&메이커스칼리지 ICT인공지능 복수전공
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2021)
조은경(Eunkyung Cho)-글로벌융합산업공학과 산업정보시스템전공& 메이커스칼리지 빅데이터경영공학 부전공
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2021)
성창규(Changku Sung)
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B.S. : Information Technology Management for Business, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : 우리은행
서진주(Jinju Seo)
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : 롯데정보통신
전동원 (Dongwon Jeon)
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B.S. : Information Technology Management for Business, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation : SK브로드밴드
유보미(Bomi Ryu) - 글로벌융합산업공학과 ITM 전공
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Areas Of Interest : Financial Management, Information Management
B.S. : Information Technology Management for Business, SeoulTech (2020)
박일권(Ilgwon Park)
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B.S. : Information Technology Management for Business, SeoulTech (2020)
Affiliation: 야놀자
윤봄(Bom Yoon)
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B.S. :
-Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2019)
-Business Administration, SeoulTech (2019)
박홍제(Hongjea Park)
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2018)
Affiliation : Insighter
이충기 (Choongki Lee)
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2018)
신창환 (Changhwan Sin)
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B.S. : Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, SeoulTech (2017)