Grade 7


Each Monday there will be a 'weekly list' of possible art activities to select from. Choose at least one project that seems the 'best fit' for you and finish it at your pace, but do finish it. Completion of a started task is an important step in self managing schoolwork while being at home. It is our strong belief that the insertion of the arts into your life is extremely important to mental health, utilize this time for enjoyment (don't stress too much about end result!).

We encourage each student to share at least one digital picture/written reflection of your favorite weekly project (of course you may share more if you wish to). Please share digital pic with your art teacher to have it displayed in our student art gallery!

(6/15-6/19) Featured Artist - The Art Critic

Monday (LEARN)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW)

Looking for some new art to wow your family/friends with but not sure what to do? How about playing the Roll-A-Picasso Drawing game. You can instantly become a Cubist painter like the famous Pablo Picasso simply by following along the directions of the dice roll. Watch the provided Youtube video to better understand how to play this art game. Also included is a worksheet to help you participate and create a wacky-wonderful drawing of your own! Have fun.

Wednesday (IMAGINE)

Imagine you are an art critic. Please visit the STUDENT ART GALLERY page and select a piece of artwork to critique. Here are some things to consider when critiquing.

Describe the artwork:

~Identify elements of art used: line, color, shape, texture, form, space

~Identify materials used (paint, plastic bottle, pencil, etc.)

Analyze the artwork:

~What is the focus of the artwork?

~Why do you think the artist made this artwork?

Interpret the artwork:

~How does the artwork make you feel?

~What is the purpose of the artwork?

Evaluate the artwork:

~What is the best part of the artwork? Why?

~What part of the artwork could have been improved? How?

~Was the artist successful?

Thursday (BUILD)

Displaying artwork is an important way to add 'meaning' to your art. Taking the time to carefully arrange the art on colored paper, or cardboard, or whatever else you can find adds a sense of importance to any work. With this in mind, find a favorite work of art that you have created display it. Build something that allows your art to look like it's on full display for all to see!

Friday (REFLECT)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue your thoughts and get them down onto paper. Take some time to reflect on the artwork you have created during the online distance learning. Reflection is an important part of the artistic process because it can help you become a better artist by applying what you learned to your future artwork.

Be your own art critic and choose one of your works to critique. Look at the critique ideas from Wednesday's Imagine option for some ideas to reflect upon. Find some more ideas to reflect/write about below.

Describe your creative process in making this piece. What were the strengths of your artwork? Why? What parts would you have done differently (if any)? How would you have done them differently?

(6/8-6/12) Featured Artist - Patrick Kelly

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW)

Fashion design begins with a series of drawings to play around with ideas. Check out this video for a step by step tutorial how to create a beautiful dress. As usual, remember YOU are the artist, you can begin with the basic steps and make the dress a different style than the one featured in the video (maybe you create a unique pattern or different style)!

Alternative Idea: Draw a design for a pair of shoes/sneakers! Look up a how to draw tutorial for a type of shoe/sneaker you like (or find a blank template to print) and create an original design for your footwear!

Wednesday (IMAGINE)

NEWSFLASH! The Dighton-Rehoboth school system needs your help! A new dress needs to be designed for "Miss Cow Chip", an honor being bestowed upon one lucky young lady at the 2025 Dighton Cow Chip Festival! Imagine what will this dress look like? It's up to you. Follow the steps of the worksheet provided to help you navigate your way through this very important assignment.

Thursday (BUILD)

Using a drawing or magazine cutout as your "mannequin" arrange actual objects to "build" a unique and fashionable outfit! Think of the endless possibilities! You can use natural objects such as leaves or flower petals, office supplies, recyclables or anything else you have laying around the house or yard.

Check out this video where Armenian artist and fashion designer Edgar Artis does just that! Ask parent permission before cutting up magazines and for use of materials! Remember you are a fashion designer, and can create anything from dresses to sport uniforms! As always, be creative and have fun!

Friday (REFLECT)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use a journal (or a simple notepad) and write a simple reflection about an article of clothing you felt passionate about. A favorite sweatshirt or ratty pair of sneakers. Maybe it was a comfy sweater Grandma gave to you as a kid. Whatever it is, write a brief reflection about that article of clothing.

(6/1-6/5) Featured Artist - Aurora Robson

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW)

Since we are on the topic of using trash to create art, why don't we start by drawing some common trash found around the planet.

  • How about we also turn this drawing into a game...the game is this: Whatever object you draw becomes your duty this summer to collect and recycle as many of those objects as you can. Sound like a good idea?

Wednesday (IMAGINE)

Imagine you live in a world of plastic. The world is called Plastica. Plastic trees, plastic cars, plastic clothing. EVERYTHING plastic. Your job on Plastica is to design clothing. What would your Plastic Outfit look like? Provide proof of this outfit on a piece of paper.

Thursday (BUILD)

Aurora Robson builds amazing sculptures using plastic which not only makes awesome art, but is good for the environment! Like Robson, you can create awesome abstract forms using plastic and help our planet too. Check out this video to see how to make this partially abstract sculpture. As usual, if you have a different idea, make it your own!

Friday (REFLECT)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. An entry into a journal doesn't always have to be words, sometimes it's good to use pictures to tell your thoughts. Reflect on something in your life that you could change to help make the planet a better place to live. Whether it be through art, education, patience, kindness, love, etc What would it be?

(5/25-5/29) Featured Artist - Marla Olmstead

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW)

This week we are concentrating on Abstract Art (Non-Representational Art.) There are limitless ways to achieve this. The rules are for you to make (and to break!) Grab a piece of paper, a pencil and colored pencils (optional) and watch the magic of this fun abstract drawing come to life.

Wednesday (IMAGINE)

Imagine the freedom that abstract art can give you! People sometimes struggle with representational art when something is off or doesn't look right. With abstract art, there are no worries about making it 'look like' something else. Imagine up your own abstract work of art depending on the materials you have at home. Check out this video for some abstract painting ideas, but remember, YOU are the artist! What other abstract techniques can YOU come up with? YOUR imagination is endless!

Thursday (BUILD)

Got some extra cardboard, construction paper, or paper scraps lying around the house? Yeah, me too! Let's turn them into some cool abstract art! Check out this video to help get your creative juices flowing.Enjoy.

Friday (REFLECT)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. An entry into a journal doesn't always have to be words, sometimes it's good to use pictures to tell your thoughts. Photography can be a great way to create abstract art. Take 5 abstract pictures of ordinary objects.

Some tips/ideas: ~Photograph things very close up ~Crop your pictures ~Focus on only one part of the subject ~Take your pic from an interesting angle ~Use black and white or other filter ~Look at objects line, shape, form, patterns, or color

Remember that sometimes we may still be able to tell what the subject (partial abstraction) other times, we may have not idea what the subject is (complete abstraction).

(5/18 - 5/22) Featured Artist - Jim Lee

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Illustrative Art is one of the most popular forms of art in the world today. Children's Books, Magazines, Comic Books, Text Books, etc all depend on the art of the illustrator. Jim Lee is an excellent example of a master illustrator at work. As good as he is it didn't come easy. Many hours were spent practicing the craft of illustration. Check out this video to help understand some of the tools and tricks of a comic book artist.

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Create your own Superhero! Use your imagination for this project to come up with your very own, unique Superhero (or villain if you choose!) Simply print out (if you can) or use a separate sheet of paper and fill out the Fact Sheet to help you determine what kind of hero you will create. Remember...use your IMAGINATION! And, as always, have fun.

Thursday (BUILD)

Can you build your very own superhero using whatever materials you have around the house? It is amazing what you can do with things you find, some paint or coloring materials, and a bit of imagination.

Alternative building ideas:

*Build a superhero gadgets/accessories

*Build a superhero transportation vehicle

*Design and create a superhero cape/costume

Be creative and have a super fun time!

Friday (REFLECT)

Not all superheroes wear capes. A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use a journal (or a simple notepad) and write a simple reflection about a hero in your life.

*Sometimes pictures are better than words at expressing what you are thinking or feeling, you are certainly welcome to communicate this way as well. You may draw or use photographs to reflect and show appreciation for your real life superhero.

(5/11 - 5/15) Featured Artist - Ptolemy Elrington

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Art Game! Play a fun and creative drawing game with your family while expanding your creativity in the process. The game is simple:

-Everyone gets a piece of paper and pencil.

-Each player chooses 4 animals.

-Now draw! Invent a new animal having features from all 4 animals.

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Ptolemy Elrington made amazing sculptures out of something others viewed as trash. After noticing large amounts of hubcaps on the street, he began thinking what a waste it was that they would eventually be brought to a landfill. Elrington imagined using them as the parts for his artwork.

Is there something around the house that you notice piling up that will most likely be thrown away? Whether it be buttons, egg cartons, bottle caps, jar/container lids, cardboard, plastic cutlery, soda cans, water bottles, etc., can you IMAGINE turning these items into a piece of artwork? Go ahead, use your imagination and give it a try!

Thursday (BUILD!)

Ptolemy Elrington took recycled material and created beautiful works of art out of them. Essentially taking trash and repurposing it into something beautiful. Check out these cool toilet paper roll sculptures. What can you create?

Friday (REFLECT!)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. An entry into a journal doesn't always have to be words, sometimes it's good to use pictures to tell your thoughts. Take 6 pictures of objects that may be viewed as useless, but you found beauty in. It could be anything from an old item, a dead tree, a weed in the garden, or a run down structure. Whether you take pics of an entire object as it is, change the filter on your camera to alter its appearance, or crop the image, show how YOU saw beauty in the object.

Remember, everyone will have their own opinion about what is pleasing to the eye, this is YOUR view and YOU are the artist!

(5/4 - 5/8) Featured Artist - Rinko Kawauchi

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Want to customize your cell phone case with Sharpie but grandma won't let you? Me too. Watch this video of someone who has a grandma that DOES allow them to customize their cellphone case with Sharpie!

*This is not recommended without parental consent!

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Rinko Kawauchi believes that all things on earth have a spirit. She finds even the smallest of things to be worthy subject matter for her photographs. Imagine all of the wonderful details you may be missing by ignoring the tiniest parts of your world. Whether it is a drop of water on a leaf, an insect, or any other little thing you notice, take at least 5 photographs of something small that surrounds you.

How can you create emphasis (focus) on your small subject? (Some ideas: zoom in, change the color, or blur the background)

Thursday (BUILD!)

Rinko Kawauchi finds beauty in the ordinary moments of life around her. Her approach to picture taking is spontaneous, shooting pictures of whatever attracts her eye. Use the camera on an available iPhone (or sketch a pic if none available!) to 'build' a series of 6-7 photos of events or things from your 'everyday life'.

You can go back and edit these pictures by using an available filter to change the color, or crop your picture to make it more interesting.

Friday (REFLECT!)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. An entry into a journal doesn't always have to be words, sometimes it's good to use pictures to tell your thoughts. Other times, another approach can do the trick. A haiku is a short traditional Japanese form of poetry. They are a fun, challenging way to get your thoughts across in an artistic way. Check out this quick video to find out how to create your very own haiku.

(4/27 - 5/1) Featured Artist - Nils-Udo

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Nils-Udo used images from nature as the inspiration behind his stunning works of Land Art. Drawing images from nature is a very fun, relaxing way to enjoy a rainy day. Check out this video that shows some manageable techniques aspiring artists can use to improve their doodling skills of flowers. Enjoy!

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Before an artist can be successful in their art, they need to be able to imagine what the end result will look like first. This 'mental image' is what guides the artist throughout their artistic journey. Nils-Udo used his imagination to turn nature into art. Is there something in your home that isn't typically used for art that can be transformed into art? These works are often called Found Art Sculptures or Recycled Art.

Thursday (BUILD!)

Sometimes creating art on paper is boring. How about spicing up your art and use a bit of nature as your guide? Go outside and find a somewhat flat/smooth rock that fits comfortably into the palm of your hand. Find some house paint, nail polish, Sharpies and start to create! (Clear nail polish painted over a finished rock can preserve the art for years to come!)

Friday (REFLECT!)

A camera is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use the camera on an available iPhone (or sketch a pic if none available!) to take 6-8 photos of 'nature.' This could be a house plant, vase of flowers, outdoor shrub, rock wall, etc. Remember, though, that you are an artist. Make the Nature Pictures look interesting by taking an extreme close-up of the subject, or use a black and white filter on your phone to add drama!

(4/20-4/24) Featured Artist - Wendy Klemperer

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of their artwork on the links provided on the homepage.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Wendy Klemperer enjoyed drawing the different motions of animals. Draw at least 6 gesture drawings of something living. Ask someone to pose for you, or try to make a gesture drawing of a pet if you can!

Gesture drawings are quick sketches to show the position of something. Use quick and loose motions to create your gestures (using line, circles, and or ovals). Gesture drawings are a great warm up exercise before beginning a longer drawing session. You can turn this into a group activity where you take turns modeling and drawing!

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself to be a professional artist. You have been commissioned (paid!) to create a sculpture of your choice anywhere in the world. What would the sculpture be? What materials would you use? Where in the world would you build this sculpture? Why here? These are all important questions anartist must ask themselves.

Grab a piece of paper and draw a picture of your sculpture, and give some fun details about where it is placed and why.

Thursday (BUILD!)

Wendy Klemperer builds her animal sculptures by creating a "sketch in the air" using lines that she sees in the found scrap metal. Using found materials around the house, whether it be pipe cleaners, wire, recycled materials, etc., build a 3-D replica of your favorite animal or pet.

She also enjoys showing motion. Take it a step further and show your animals movement!

Friday (REFLECT!)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use a journal (or a simple notepad) and write a simple reflection about something you are passionate about and when you first discovered your love for it.

*Sometimes pictures are better than words at expressing what you are thinking or feeling, you are certainly welcome to communicate this way as well.

(4/13 - 4/17) Featured Artist - Paul Smith

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of his artwork on the link provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Blind contour drawing. Draw something without looking at the paper and in one continuous line. Blind contour drawing helps artist improve their observational skills and connects both the right and left side of the brain.

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Imagine if you loss the use of your hands but you still had the passion to create art. Watch this inspiring video to see what this artist did to overcome his/her limitation.

Thursday (BUILD!)

Paul Smith created amazing artworks using the symbols on a typewriter. Give it a go in Microsoft Word, Google Doc, etc. and "build" an image of your house, room, piece of furniture, or something else you come up with!

Remember this is an unusual art form, so be kind to yourself if you are finding it difficult, do the best you can! Try a simple shape to start with if you find what you have chosen to be too challenging.

Friday (REFLECT!)

A journal is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use a journal (or a simple notepad) and write a simple reflection about adversity in your life you've had to over come.

(4/6 - 4/10) Featured Artist - Jeff Hanson

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of his artwork on the link provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Jeff Hanson uses bold colors in his paintings. Jeff also enjoys creating abstract nature depictions in his artwork. Draw (or paint if you have materials) something from nature using your imagination, a reference picture, or observing nature outside! Don't forget to add bright and bold colors to your artwork.

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Jeff Hanson needed to keep his imaginative skills sharp in creating his art. Imagination is art! Use it. Jeff was also somewhat of a fashion designer as well as a painter/artist. Use your imagination and create your dream winter outfit (jacket/pants/hat/ gloves/boots) that you would want to wear skiing, snowboarding, hanging by fire with friends. Have fun and be creative. The more details the better!

Thursday (BUILD!)

Jeff Hanson creates heavy texture (how something feels or appears to feel) in his paintings. Texture can be achieved many ways when you paint. When using water color paints, if you sprinkle a little bit of salt on top of the wet water color paint you can achieve very interesting effects, which leads to TEXTURE in your art. Watch the video on your left to see this in action. If you have the supplies, you can even try this at home.

Friday (REFLECT!)

A camera is often a very quick and effective way to catalogue events in your life. Use the camera on an available iPhone (or sketch a pic if none available!) to take 7 pictures of some kind of texture. Will your texture be Smooth? Rough? Wet? You decide. Have fun!

Now, take a moment and reflect about your past week. Get a piece of paper and write a couple paragraphs answering these questions. Where in life does texture come into play for me. The fuzzy inside of my hoodie? The softness of my blanket? The coolness of the fridge handle?

(3/30 - 4/3) Featured Artist - Stephen Wiltshire

Monday (LEARN!)

Review information provided regarding Featured Artist found on HOME PAGE. Take some time to watch the provided YouTube videos and examine some of his artwork on the link provided.

Tuesday (DRAW!)

Stephen Wiltshire created complex drawings of cities around the world strictly from memory. With that in mind, create a drawing (from your memory) of your favorite vacation. Include as many details as you can.

Wednesday (IMAGINE!)

Stephen Wiltshire needed to keep his imaginative skills sharp in creating his art. Imagination is art! Use it. Take some time to design a household product of your dreams. What would it be? What would it do? What would it look like. What would the name of it be? All up to you! Add a drawing of this household product to your At-Home Portfolio.

Thursday (BUILD!)

Stephen Wiltshire found beauty in the structure of buildings. Take some to build a structure out of materials found in your home (LEGOs preferably) and get lost in its design. Whether it be through the clicking together of LEGO pieces, a pile of rocks found in your yard, or a collection of tupperware buckets. What did you build? Write a paragraph explaining what you built.

Friday (REFLECT!)

Stephen Wiltshire is referred to as the Human Camera. With that in mind, use the camera on your phone (or a simple sketch will do!) to catalogue important pet/animal in your life. Take a pic! Use a filter on your phone (or colored pencils!) to create a more dramatic look to your picture. Write a brief reflection about why you chose this pet/animal?. What makes it special?