Guernica Project

Project overview: Students were tasked to recreate a section of the Guernica by Pablo Picasso that emphasizes a global conflict. My group chose world Hunger. 

PBL: Space is a New Place.

Space is the New Place - Nhenze and Justin

Space is a New Place 

Hola, me normbre es Nhenze De Jesus, y soy en las 10th grado. Nosotros pensamos animales de salvajadas proteger el ambiente, y nosotros deber los animales. Tambien, los animales es muy lindo, y en peligro de extinción porque pocheros ilegales. Finalmente, un mundo con no animales diverso es muy mal y aburrido.

Nhenze and Justin Infographic

Final Spanish PBL Project

For Space is a new place in Spanish, we were tasked with creating a slideshow that depicts a form of trafficking that is problematic in Latin American countries. Me and my Partner Justin Brown read an article about animal trafficking and created this slideshow we also created a flyer that grabs the attention of readers which is a form of propaganda. 

Nhenze De Jesus - Guernica Project One Love 2024

Project completed By Nhenze, Jade, Malik, and Zaria.

For Visual Arts, we used a section of the painting to emphasize parts of world hunger. We first drew the continents on paper and showed it to Dr. Kurt for confirmation. Afterward, we painted our sketch onto the section of the Guercia that involves the horse, which was on a cut of wood. 

Nhenze, Zaria, Malik, and Jade.3gp

This is our video that explains our process for creating our art piece, as well as explains the extreme nature of world hunger and how many people it affects globally. It was recorded by Dr. O in the film class behind a blue screen. My partners were Jade, Zaria, and Malik.

Nhenze De Jesus - Chemistry Guernica

For Chemistry, we created a forest green paint that was used in our art piece with chemicals. We used chemicals such as Iron oxide red, Titanium doixide, acrylic, and chrome oxide. We measured how much of each element we would use to create a color as close to forest green as possible. I did this with Jade, Zaria, ana Malik.

Public Service Announcement (PSA) Final Link (Apr 18, 2024 at 12:10 PM).mov

For ELA, we created a public service announcement that brings gun violence to light, and grab the attention of people with the first part of the video. We recorded and edited this video on my phone, where I used a software called InShot to edit.

This was done with Austin, Payton, Chris, and Nhenze.