Jesse Hart

About Me....

Hi all! I'm Jesse, 15 year old sophomore you know and love from Drew. If you've seen me around, you probably caught my loud and energetic personality on the loose or seen me deep into some music on my headphones. I'm outgoing, enthusiastic, and just someone who wants to make the most and have some fun.


I have many goals in life. I wish to graduate high school as a valedictorian, and go to a very fancy college just because. I would love to become a professional baseball player but since the percentage chance of that happening is so miniscule, I have many backup interests such as writing and acting that I have developed skills in and have passions for. I'm also very good at voices and comedy, and statistics and math are my jam so if I was a sports analyst I would not be complaining at all. Anything that can get me on a screen, to get me to have an audience or a following, feels like something I would make worthwhile.

Epic Hero Trailer

Eulogy & Elegy: 10th World Literature


Jesse Hart's Eulogy - World Literature 1A
Jesse Hart - The Elegy