American Literature

Original Creation Myth Art and presentations (Sep 20, 2021 at 4:38 PM).MOV

Original Myth

In this assignment we had to create our own version of a Myth. This started off from us reading and reviewing different myths. The first myth we reviewed was "The World on A Turtles Back.". This story was a myth that explained how certain things came to be like the sun, the moon and stars. It also explained about how good and evil came to be. After reviewing that we went on to look at more.

The more we looked at these myths the more the ideas of what a myth is developed in our heads. Hearing the different stories of things we know aren't true still expanded our imagination of if it was really true. Something the myths had in common was they all started to make sense the more we read. Even though the stories had a crazy way of going about it at the end of the story it made sense which was something a good myth needed.

With the set idea of what a myth is we were presented with this project. The project was to create our own myth based on something that came to be. It didn't matter what we chose we just had to make up backstory for it. I chose to do my myth on Rain, salty ocean/sea water and saltwater fish. I used my knowledge what I already know about the three to form a story that basically says that an Angry cloud came upon an ocean that tasted delicious, he rained on it and it turned salty making salt water fish be create because of that. Here is the link to my Video of me reading and presenting my art piece of my Original Myth as well as my process of creating it: , , Enjoy!

My Movie


In this assignment we were to read the poem that Emily Dickinson wrote and add our own twist to it with music. We chose a very sad part of the poem and recorded with a guitar to match the tone. I slowed the music down in imovie to really make it sound sad and depressing which was the outcome of it and I'm very happy with it.


Final Project American Literature.

I this project we were asked to write a topic on something we are passionate about or something we'd like to argue about. In my creation I wrote an argumentative essay on why I think letter grades should be taken away from school systems. I also created an art work of a teacher and a student on opposite sides of a border asking the same question. What am I doing wrong? to beg the question what if what we're doing wrong is grading our students wrong. I hope you enjoy my argument against this.

Link to hyperdoc:

Link to essay: