NEWS AND Messages 

Children's Book Project

All the children were really excited and grateful to receive their two free books from the Children's Book Project: 

They will each get another four books to keep later in the year. We hope you're enjoying reading together at home!

Year 2 & 3

We have been enjoying our learning about London landmarks. It was so much fun to go and see some of them in real life when we went on our river boat trip!

Our next trip after half term will be to the Royal Academy of Arts for a creative art workshop. We are also looking forward to having a Victorian Day at school on the 3rd November. More information will follow on ParentMail.

Our Topic Gallery was full of amazing home learning projects. Thank you for supporting the children at home. We can't wait to see their 3 writing pieces, which are due in on the 15th December.

YEAR 4 and 5 

In Year 4 and 5 we have been enjoying learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom; we have been busy learning the difference between counties, boroughs and cities. Next half term, we are going to look at maps and take a walk around our local areas, spotting landmarks and using the map to guide us. As part of our Geography next term, we are taking the children orienteering in Hampstead Heath to build on their map reading skills. Watch this space for details of that trip. 

We have been really lucky this half term as we have been super sporty! We have had some specialist cricket coaching from Middlesex Cricket Club, Year 5's have completed a 2 week intensive swimming course and we have had Arsenal coaches leading our Friday PE sessions. The children have really impressed with their new cricketing skills, the Year 5's have improved their swimming skills immensely in a short period of time and were complimented on their behaviour by the swimming instructors. All of the coaches from Arsenal and Middlesex commented on the amount of talent in Year 4 and 5 - so keep up those great sporty skills!

Once a week, as part of our Literacy cycle the children in Year 4 and 5 have been working with a specialist drama teacher from Artis. The sessions have been really fun and interactive and have really helped to inspire some great writing. This will be continuing throughout the year.  

Mr Kreel would like to thank all of the Year 4 and 5 team for keeping things running smoothly while he was away on paternity leave. 

We hope you all have a restful, well deserved half term. 

In Year 6, we have really enjoyed learning about the Maya. This is a subject that teachers or the children have not ever covered before, so it is an interesting journey for all.

The children really excelled with their Home-learning projects this half term. Their hard wok was showcased at our Topic Gallery on Thursday before half term. There were some truly amazing projects which included: recipes for hot chocolate; models of Maya structures, temples and a pok-ta-pok court; news reports; posters of Maya writing and numbers; PowerPoints and quizzes to name but a few projects. A huge thank you for supporting the children at home. 

Year 6 have also had a hugely successful assessment week, where the children have demonstrated they are well on track for an amazingly successful year academically. Our Inclusion Week has shown us all just how supportive and mature the children are.

We look forward to the second half of the term which will begin with a trip to the Royal Academy of Arts for a creative art workshop on Tuesday 31st October.

In EYFS and Year 1 we have loved learning about the different seasons and exploring the world around us. We took a trip to Olden gardens where we all participated in many different activities. The children particularity enjoyed finding natural resources to take back to the classroom where we created art work with it.

The children engage in weekly philosophy for children sessions (P4C) where the children take part in a philosophical enquiry. P4C aims to enhance thinking and communication skills, boost confidence and improve self-esteem.  Last half term, we explored questions like 'Are the clouds above or under the sky and how do you know?' and 'Can anything be a toy?'. 

We have begun exploring different religions and why these are important to different people. This has encouraged the children to talk about their home life, engage in role play and share stories about their families and what they like to do.

We are looking forward to the next half term and we are excited to start rehearsing for our Christmas nativity in a few weeks.

Our Topics for this term continue:

Our EYFS and Year 1 topic is 'Our World.'

Exploring a range of exciting topics to spark the children's interest in the world around them. 

Our Year 2/3 theme this term is 'London Then and Now.'

Learning about our local area, London landmarks, life in Victorian London & how it has changed over time.

In Year 4 and 5, our theme is "Me and My Community".

Learning about areas in our locality, and how to make sustainable choices. 

In Year 6 this term, our theme is 'The Nature of Belief'

Learning about the Maya, including their beliefs and values and linking this to what it means to be Muslim, Christian or a Humanist  in Britain today.