3-5 Art

Assignment Designed for 5th Grades - Value and Portraits!

Happy Summer!

Still Life- Lesson 2 Value .mp4
Body Proportions- Lesson 5 .mp4
Two Point Perspective- Lesson 7.mp4
One Point Perspective- Lesson 6.mp4
Facial Proportions - Lesson 4 .mp4
Portrait of a President- Lesson 3 Value.mp4
From Circle to Sphere-Value Lesson 1 .mp4

Assignment for May 25 - May 29
Stamp Print Old T-Shirts!

3-5 Art Lesson May 25-May 29.docx

Assignment for May 11 - May 15
Eric Carle Art

Art Lesson for 3-5 gr May 11 to May 15.docx
Eric Carle Movie 2.MOV

Assignment for Fifth Graders!
Brick Design - A Hillandale Tradition

Dear 5th Grade Students of Hillandale Elementary School.docx

Assignment for May 4 - May 8

Weaving 3-5
Weaving lesson 3-5 May 4-8

Assignment for April 27 - May 1
Franz Kline's “Orange Outline”

Franz Kline Lessons for 3,4,5.docx
Go outside and dig in the dirt!! Fill up a bowl or buckle half way.
Take the bucket inside and add enough water to make mud that is like pudding. Take it back outside and stir it up.
Gather together supplies to paint with. You will need another bowl, a couple pieces of chalk, a table spoon of dishwashing liquid, 2 cups of flour, and different size brushes it sponges or spoons and plastic knives.
Set up your 2pieces of cardboard and supplies outside on the grass. Stir water into your flour until it is creamy. Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid to make it smoother and stick together better.
Draw any kind of line on your first cardboard. Remember to run the lines off the edge of the cardboard.
With your mud and the biggest brush tool you can find draw some lines going off the edge of the page. This is your time to have some fun and let loose. Get any anger or frustration out of your body.
Switch to the flour paint and make some big gesture marks. To gesture is to move your whole body.
Use all your tools. Go back and forth with your flour mixture and your mud. Paint things over . Make small lines and big lines. Have fun. Step back and look at your painting every now and then. Make changes on how you feel. I’m sure it will be great!!
My finished painting.
On your second cardboard draw some of the lines you drew when you made the drawing of the chair. Make sure the lines go off the edge of the cardboard.
This time start with the white flour mixture first. Make some shapes and lines.
With your mud fill in other shapes on your painting.

Assignment for April 20-24
Shadow Puppets

indonesia Shadow Puppets.pptx
Java Shadow Puppet Lesson for 3 to 5.docx

Pictures of Step by Step Procedure

Assignment for April 6-17
Claude Monet's "The Cliff, E'tretat, Sunset"

Assignments NCMA April 13.docx