DSA Student Services
Rising 10th-12th Grade Registration Parent Night - Jan 14th at 6pm
We will record the meeting and post it for those who can not join us.
Middle School Counselors:
JoAnn Hester 6th Grade & 7th Grade Navigators joann_hester@dpsnc.net
Shonda Middleton 7th Grade Explorers & 8th Grade shonda_middleton@dpsnc.net
High School Counselors:
Heather Chambers 9th Grade heather_chambers@dpsnc.net
Maureen Kurz 10th Grade maureen_kurz@dpsnc.net
Yolanda LeMay 11th Grade yolanda_lemay@dpsnc.net
Mary Katherine Scheppegrell 12th Grade marykatherine_schep@dpsnc.net
School Social Worker:
Angela Carbone angela_carbone@dpsnc.net