Polaris Mental Health Team

Lisa Strassburger

School Psychologist

Contact Ms. Strassburger: 



I have been a  School Psychologist for 25 years and this will be my 12th year at Polaris Elementary.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Polaris and I have learned so much. I am so grateful to  be part of this dynamic community and to have the opportunity to work with our unique population of students.

At Polaris I support our twice-exceptional students and help them develop strategies and interventions that promote success with peers, adults and the curriculum. I work within Special Education and I am also the 504 coordinator. I help identify and work with students who have  been diagnosed with or have a suspected disability that impacts their learning or social/emotional functioning.  I have a good deal of knowledge of the school system and mental health community and I often consult with parents and teachers. 

Please reach out if you have questions, concerns or would like to be connected to mental health resources for you, your child, or your family.

Kelly Dulong

School Social Worker

Contact Ms. Dulong: 


I am the School Social Worker at Polaris. I have been part of the community for over three years, both as a staff and as the parent of two HGT students who have attended Polaris Elementary. 

I have been a social worker for nearly 20 years an love helping children and their families thrive. I have a Masters Degree in Social Work and am an independently licensed clinician in the State of Colorado.

My role at Polaris is multi-layered. One of my favorite parts of the day is spending time in each classroom teaching lessons on a wide variety of social/emotional learning (SEL) topics. I love knowing all our students and am available during the school day for any student needing support with a specific or ongoing issue impacting them while at school. 

Additionally, I hold weekly small groups aimed at helping students gain confidence in lagging SEL skills that might be getting in the way of their ability to demonstrate their best at school. Individual and group referrals may come from teachers, parents or the student themselves.

If you feel like your child could use extra support navigating a particular struggle at school or help filling gaps in their social/emotional skill development, you can always start by talking with your child's teacher. You are also welcome email me directly anytime.

Looking for more information about Special Education, IEPs or 504s? Click here!