Special Education at Polaris

Contact Ms. Bradley


We understand twice-exceptional (or 2E) kids need a unique type of support. The term "twice exceptional" is used to describe people who are both intellectually gifted and also have one or more learning disabilities such as, dyslexia, sensory processing disorder, ADHD or autism spectrum disorder. There are often misunderstandings about how twice-exceptional students learn and thrive in school and we do our best to keep up on best practices and creative strategies to support the varied skill sets our students bring to school each day. 

If you feel like you would like support or to explore the possibility that a disability may be impacting your child's success in school please reach out to Michelle Bradley, our special education teacher at Polaris.

What is twice-exceptional?

According to the Colorado Department of Education, "Twice-exceptional (2e) students are gifted students with disabilities.  Twice-exceptional students can often be difficult to identify because they possess the characteristics of gifted students and the characteristics of students with disabilities. Gifted characteristics may mask disabilities, or disabilities may mask gifted potential; either students’ strengths, disabilities, or both may not be identified. This difficulty in identifying and supporting twice-exceptional students can put them at risk of having their academic or social-emotional needs misunderstood or go unnoticed."

Explore the resources section to learn more about how to help twice-exceptional children grow and thrive. And if you have questions about how to support your 2E student please reach out to your teacher and our student support team.