Week 4

April 27 - May 1

Week 4: Let's Write the BLUES!

Conan O'Brien Writing the Chicago Blues

Blues AAB Form Template

12 bar blues song writing simplified form with solfege and hearts with boomwacker colors.pdf

Start With a Poem to Write the Chicago Blues

  1. Watch this youtube video of comedian Conan O'Brien writing the Chicago Blues with school kids.

  2. After watching the video, brainstorm some ideas of what may be make you feel sad, down, or gives you the blues. Also think of a reason why this is giving you the blues, or a resolution to this sad problem. Journal your ideas or share with a family member.

  3. Watch the video of my son and I. Notice how we identify both the WHAT and WHY to his blues. This will be important when you write your own song.

  4. Next, create a 3-lined poem. The first 2 lines should be identical about what is giving you the blues. The 3rd line is the resolution. You are welcome to use the template with the hearts. The poem I created for my son is:

A: I like to see my friends at school, seeing my friends at school is so cool

A: I like to see my friends at school, seeing my friends at school is so cool

B: When we're at school we like to play lots of sports of all sorts

  1. Save your poem for next week's lesson when we turn our poem into a blues song!

  2. You are welcome to share your work with me this week via email or your grade level's SeeSaw link. Have fun!

What's Giving You the Blues?.MOV

What's Giving You the Blues?

I ask Connor WHAT is giving him the blues and WHY

Blues Poem.MOV

Creating My 3-Lined Blues Poem

Lines 1 & 2 are identical, line 3 is the resolution

AAB Form

Seesaw Links to Upload Student Work