4th Grade

Red Group


<h1>by joseias</h1> 

<h2 style="color: red;font-family:cursive;">1.I would bring a boat to escape the island </h2>

<img src="https://www.tessllc.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/yacht-post-825x510.jpg"width=300px>


I would bring a boat so i could escape the island and be safe and go to a public beach and i'll be all good to go


<h2 style="color: blue;font-family:chewy;">2.mcdonalds </h2>

<p>I would bring mcdonalds so i wont starve on the boat </p>

<h2 style="color: gold;font-family: courier;">2.second i would bring mcdonald.</h2>

<img src="https://www.foodandwine.com/thmb/zaL9eyOyTgCjX99DFOhB3iG7YEk=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/The-Worst-Time-to-Visit-McDonalds-FT-BLOG0823-711a27313d1a448baf4db4817310ff5d.jpg"width=300px>