4th Grade

Red Group


<h1 style="color:#ff0f0f;">hojayo</h1>

<h2>by, Guadalupe</h2>

<h2 style="color: blue;font-family: courier;">1. 10 Water botel </h2>

<img src="https://media.skillstruck.com/images/water-5501652_1280.jpg"width="200px">

  <p>The first thing I'd bring with me on a deserted island would be a water purifier. This would ensure any fresh water that may be on the island is being filtered and is healthy to drink.</p>

<h2 style="color: green;font-family: courier;">2.food</h2>

<img src="https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-medicine/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2019/09/iStock-1131794876.t5d482e40.m800.xtDADj9SvTVFjzuNeGuNUUGY4tm5d6UGU5tkKM0s3iPk-620x342.jpg"width="200px">

 <p>The second thing I'd bring with me on a deserted island would be food. Food helpfie.  </p>