How to Make Crayon Prizes

Want to make your own crayon prizes? Follow This guide!

Step 1 sorting

Before doing anything, sort out your crayons. I recommend only using CRAYOLA brand crayons. For some reason, other crayon brands have not worked well for me.

Also, sort them by color; either similar colors (brights, darks, black/white/gray/brown) or by specific color (red, orange, yellow...etc.).

Step 2 Prepping the Crayons

After you have sorted your crayons, get a glass or ceramic bowl and fill it with hot water. The water should be hot and not warm, but if it is too hot, you may get some melty crayons. I put my faucet handle just to the left (towards hot) of middle to get the right temperature.

Then, dump crayons in there. Keep them sorted, because the colors do tend to run together. Wait until you see that the wrappers are starting to roll away from the crayons. (If this doesn't happen within 30 second, the water is probably too cold, and you will want to dump the water and add hotter water). Pull out the crayons, and put them on paper towels or something similar inside a container to dry. you can toss the wrappers or figure out another way to use them.

Finally, break the crayons into smaller pieces; the bigger the pieces are, the longer they will take to melt in the oven. I usually break 1 full crayon into 4 pieces.

Step 3 filling the molds

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees. grab a sheet pan and cover it in tinfoil, or a similar product to keep the pan safe. Remember, whatever you put on it must withstand hot wax that might spill over out of the molds.

Arrange the molds so that the sheet pan is full, but the molds are not overlapping. Keeping the molds flat will allow crayons to dry flat instead of slanted.

Fill each mold with crayons to a little over flowing. If the crayons are sticking up or over the side a little, that is okay. It will make the crayons thicker later, and the crayon prize will be sturdier.

Once the molds are ready and the oven is preheated, stick the pan in the oven and set a timer for 40 minutes.

step 4 letting the crayons set

Once the timer has gone off, check on the crayons. If the crayons are fully melted, shapeless and liquid, they are ready. If you see any bumps or lumps, give it 5-10 more minutes, or until fully smooth.

Take the crayons out of the oven and set aside to cool down. This is part of the process can be the messiest if you move too fast or slip. Be very careful, and plan your route ahead of time.

I suggest putting the crayons in the fridge to set, but you can also let them set on a flat surface where they will not be disturbed. Putting them in the fridge will make them set faster, and will be easier to tell when they are done. However, it sometimes leaves a waxy smell after you take the crayons out.

Step 6 Getting the crayons out of the molds

You will know the crayons are ready to come out of the molds when they are not at all warm to the touch. Larger molds will take longer to set, but as long as when you touch them they are not at all warm, they are ready to go. You will know if you have taken them out too early because they will stick or break apart easily as you are taking them out.

When you are taking the crayons out of the mold, some will break. It is okay, because we can just use them in the next batch! Smaller or thinner mold shapes are easier to break, as are any with fine details. (Such as the Lego block bumps)

Go slowly, and push from the back to help release the crayons.

Once they are done! you've got some awesome crayon prizes!