Where will classes take place?

All classes occur in the community. Classes are held at Auraria Campus, rec centers, libraries, and other school or community sites throughout the Denver metro area. We don't have one school location.

What is the difference between my case manager and job coach? Who is a support partner?

Your Case Manager and Job Coach work closely together to help you achieve your IEP goals. Support Partners are inner and outer agencies that students can get connected with.

Will I still have an iep?

Yes. You will work with your IEP team to create goals to become successful.

How do I get to my class?

All students in the 18-21 Program can receive an RTD bus pass while they are taking classes in the program. Student will be trained on how to use public transportation to access the city and their classes.

In very specific instances, when a student is unable to access the RTD and qualifies, students may get to classes using Access a Ride services. This is determined by the IEP team.

All students are encouraged to ride the standard RTD as the main option to get around.

I work. can I still join the program?

Absolutely. We will work with your work schedule to help you meet your goals.

Will the 18-21 transition program pay for my college classes?

I don't know what I want to do after high school. should i join?

Yes! While we offer pathways for students who have an idea, we also offer job readiness and career exploration classes for students who are still thinking about options.

Is this just like more high school? Will I have school from 8-3:30 Monday thru friday?

No. Students generally only have 21 hours of classes per week that are individually planned around their post-secondary goals. This is not a full time program, but one individually tailored to help you meet your goals.

Why does DPS keep my diploma? And when will I get it back?

Even though you have completed all of your high school graduation credits, DPS will keep your diploma until you leave the Transition Program. You will receive your high school diploma when you complete the 18-21 Program. You can choose when that is. You can work with us for a semester or three years, depending on what you want and how you are meeting your goals.

so when i turn 21 you kick me out?

No! You will complete the 18-21 Program the semester you turn 21. So, if you turn 21 in September 2022, you will exit the program in December 2022.

We celebrate students' accomplishments at a Transition Ceremony in December and one in May.