Inquiring and Analyzing 2

We discussed the timeline of the Exhibition, finalized the name and the logo for our group. We names ourselves as Gene Sleuths. We viewed an audio-visual related to life science and shared our initial thoughts and wonderings using the visible thinking routine- I used to think…Now I know.  We unpacked the central idea and identified the keywords that would help us delve deeper into the concept. The following day, we created a blog for our group to present our information more effectively. We have begun research into the first line of inquiry focussing on the biological laws of nature that govern the structure, function, and behavior of living organisms.

We continued our learning journey by analyzing and evaluating research to extend our understanding of life science, the branch of science that studies all living things, from the tiniest bacteria to the largest whales. It helps us to understand the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of these organisms. We further inquired into various branches of life science- Genetics, Biochemistry & biotechnology.

Reflecting understanding of the structure & function of cells as the basic building blocks of all living things.  

Life science - Shanaya, Abnaer, Khyati

                                                Our research into different branches of life science

Our research into Biotechnology

We continued our inquiry into laws of nature that govern the behavior of all living things. We investigated the concepts of photosynthesis, adaptation & homeostasis to develop a deeper understanding of the natural world. We presented our understanding through fact sheets, infographics, models & experiments.

                                                                                                                                          Khyati Jain

We are in the process of exploring how advancements in life science have improved our understanding of living organisms and their interactions, and how they have contributed to various fields within life science forex. advancements in medicine, leading to improved diagnostics, treatments, and overall healthcare (surgical techniques, medical imaging, biotechnology, which involves using living organisms or their products to create useful products or processes (Genetic engineering, biofuels) & understanding and conserving the environment.

We delved into the advancement in life science and its impact on the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and environmental conservation.

We explored into research and innovation, which have led to improvements in diagnostics, treatments, and improved overall healthcare. Analysing case studies helped us to understand advancements in surgical techniques. For example- a bilateral hand transplant at Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, gene sequencing and others. Techniques like robotic surgery have not only enhanced surgical precision but also minimized patient trauma and recovery time. Tools, like X-rays, MRI, and PET scans, help doctors figure out the best way to help patients get better.

We continued our learning journey to understand the role of biotechnology in paving the way for innovative solutions in healthcare and agriculture. We researched in detail to understand genetic engineering (genetic disorders & personalized medicine), bio fingerprinting, and genetically modified crops that are often used to create crops that are more resistant to pests or capable of growing in harsh conditions to bring about food security. We also researched technology like DNA fingerprinting which is used to identify individuals based on their genetic profile. It helps us in forensic investigations, paternity tests, and even tracking endangered species for conservation efforts.

Niah Dhawan

Tannu Sharma

This week we explored some significant innovations in life science from the past to the present. These advancements have transformed medicine, biotechnology, and our understanding of the natural world for example- the development of the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner in the late 18th century marked an important moment in medical history. It laid the foundation for modern immunization such as the COVID-19 vaccine. Advances in DNA sequencing technology have made personalized medicine and more precise and effective treatments for diseases.

We visited the biology laboratory and enjoyed an exciting forty minutes of discovery under the guidance of Dr. Gaurav, IBDP Biology Educator. We got the opportunity to extend our understanding of advancements in the field of biotechnology. We further conducted an experiment extracting DNA from a banana & marveled at the visible strands of banana DNA floating in the test tubes. We discussed the significance of DNA extraction and its applications in fields like forensics, medicine, and agriculture. Through this experiment, we not only learned about the structure and function of DNA but also gained hands-on experience in a real laboratory setting. We discovered that DNA carries the genetic information that makes each living thing unique, and understood that such a small substance holds the key to life itself. We learned that DNA fingerprinting is a technique used to identify individuals based on their unique genetic profiles. We explored different viewpoints on life science advancements to understand that it presents both opportunities and challenges for society.

We delved into the pros & cons of the implications of new technologies, such as gene editing, animal research, and GMOs. We further explored various perspectives and debates on the ethical implications of using animals for research and including GMOs in food production. We understood that it is important to understand the benefits and risks of these practices to make informed decisions about the future of scientific research and food production. We are in the process of inquiring into sustainable practices and innovative ways to reduce the environmental impact of technological advancements that can contribute to a more sustainable future for the field of medicine and life science as a whole.