Inquiring and Analyzing

Coming together as a group

Our interest in investigating the incredible world of living organisms & understanding the intricate mechanisms that make life possible brought us together. Our curiosity to find out how cells work, plants grow and animals move motivated us to dig deeper into the concept. Discussions helped us realize the importance of technological advancement & scientific discovery in the field of life science which has revolutionized medicine and agriculture and has helped shape our world in countless ways. We decided to explore it in detail.


We are looking forward to this exhibition journey!


Conceptual lens- Life science

Central Idea: Technological and scientific advancements can have an impact on society and environment. 

Lines of Inquiry

Different branches of life science (Form)

Role of laws of nature in understanding the world (Function)

Application of advancement in life science (Connection)

Impact of invention/discoveries in life science (Causation)

Innovations in life science (Change)

Different points of view on advancements (Perspective)

Our responsibility towards sustainable advancements (Responsibility)



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